Troops in Iraq Recorded Images of Torture 'Just for Fun'

Personally I think that Abu Garib was torture. Regardless of whether it was mental or physical, it was designed to break them. Lyndie England even admited to that.

American MIA/POW may have been subjected to fearsome kickings by the Vietnamese, but this was because the Vietnamese were not very good at torture. If you want info physical means are practically useless, as if you kick someone enough they will confess to being elvis if you want them to!!!

The techniques that seem to be used in Abu Garib seem to be a little more subtle. Humiliation leaves scars, but not physical ones, and can open a person up better than a kicking.

Anyone who things the guy with the dog is not bricking himself is deluded. He is likely to be very afraid. I doubt very much he trusts his captors to prevent injury from the dog, something that the humiliation is designed to do, how do you trust someone who has subjected you to this sort of treatment.

The pictures are all 2D and show little of the hidden depths of despair and fear that these people will have fallen to.

The kicking those lads got after throwing stones was not torture. It was simply a good kicking, the prat who videoed it on the other hand needs a similar treatment.

Although you can hear him venting his frustration at the situation he is in.
Discipline and training are probably what has stopped troops from taking it out on the locals.

I say that If The soldiers keep doing torturing the iraqi’s, then most likely the same thing will happen to the u.s. troops who are captured if they keep this up.

I’ve been watching this story about the British squaddies unfold from afar having spent the last ten days in New Zealand. I’ve seen worse and by that I don’t mean seen on tv or the internet. I think that given the circumstances the troops showed remarkable restraint. I would guess that the organisers of the event had been hoping for a Bloody Sunday or Kent State and were disapointed that the snatch squad didnt go out with bayonets fixed.

Funny how it has taken two years for the recipiants of the twating to claim that their human rights had been violated, I could suggest a number of countries were they would not have lived to tell the tale and Al jazeera would’nt have been interested.