Trumped up ...

A partial explanation:

I suspect that part of the problem for many Muslims in Europe is that they came from the host country’s former colonies (notably in France) or as guest workers in the 1960s and 1970s with expectations of a better life matching the average standard of living in the host country, but for various reasons, many beyond their control such as changed economic circumstances in the host country, those expectations were not met.

I suspect also that many Muslims who migrated to America had more marketable skills than, say, the labour cannon fodder often represented by guest workers in Europe, so those who went to America had a wider range of opportunities to satisfy their expectations of a better life and were more likely to be satisfied with their new life and more likely to integrate into the mainstream American community.

The 9/11 Conspirators were all here legally on work or education visas (I believe) like thousands if not tens of thousands of others. They came here specifically to conduct the terrorist operation on 9/11 and were not “radicalized” while here. They acted suspiciously and no one took any significant action with their odd behavior in the flight schools. There was enough evidence to begin investigation, no one seemed interested. BTW, most of the 9/11 terrorists came via Europe and their main cell was in Hamburg Germany I think…

Trump is a habitual liar. If you really enjoy his blond, “Aryan” looks, have at him!

Maybe Trump represents these arse’hole “Aryans”:

Brussels Raids Continue as Police Disperse Crowds of Self-Described Fascists
DAVID CAPLAN,Good Morning America 2 hours 37 minutes ago

Raids targeting terror suspects continued Sunday across Belgium as riot police used water cannons to disperse a group of self-described fascists damaging memorials in the capital.

At Place de la Bourse, police broke up crowds who authorities said were throwing rocks and bottles and trampling on tributes to the 28 victims of Tuesday’s bombings. Some arrests were made, though police didn’t immediately say how many.

The crowd gathered in the same place where a peace march had been scheduled for Sunday but was cancelled over security concerns. Officials said police were stretched too thin with their anti-terror operations to dedicate manpower to the march, which was expected to draw thousands of people.

Amid unrest in the capital, police across Belgium carried out 13 house searches Sunday and detained four people for unspecified terrorism incidents, according to the country’s federal prosecutor’s office.

At least four others were being held on terrorism-related charges in Belgium. Police in Italy and Germany were also investigating suspects for their possible links to the Brussels attacks.
Americans Killed in Brussels Bombing Were Spouses of US Personnel
Former Belgian Ambassador to US Among Dead in Terror Attacks
Dramatic Video Goes Inside Brussels Airport After Deadly Attacks

While anti-terrorism operations continued across Europe, Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon acknowledged decades of neglect had hurt the country’s ability to respond to violent extremism despite the government’s recent spending on security services.

Jambon said errors were made leading up to last week’s attacks in Brussels and the government had invested 600 million euros ($670 million) in the last two years on anti-terror mechanisms, but those investments needed time.

“It is also not because you put the money in now that tomorrow all this is visible on the ground,” he said, adding hiring anti-terror specialists could not happen in weeks or months.

The Associated Press contributed to this story.


The Belgian Interior Minister is named “Jan Jambon”? Seems appropriate. Yours from the curing shed, JR.

Watched an interesting program on Trump the other day. its amazing how many failed projects this guy has had over the years, he had to file for bankruptcy at one point due to a failed business in over a billion dollars of debt. For someone who started off with a million dollars inheritance, he doesn’t sound all that smart. Admittedly he’s got a lot more cash than I have so who am I to talk. Just find it interesting how the voters that back him, do so because of his business acumen, they have no idea about all the cock-ups and failures. I wonder how many cock-ups we’ll see if he’s put in-charge of a Country. I can’t see it myself as it seems like people are losing interest. It was kind of refreshing just to have a different character in the election race but now I’m bored of listening.

As of last night, Trump is looking like the Candidate for the November elections. Cruz has dropped out, and on the other side, Sanders is looking pretty wobbly. Though if the Convention of the two Party’s want to, they can choose who they like. They do have rules, but the past Decade or so, rules don’t seem to matter as much in Washington. An interesting year to look forward to.

The high mandarins of the GOP are on the horns of a dilemma. It is certainly not beyond the scope of their ingenuity to organize some sort of coup at the Convention to deprive The Donald of the nomination. However, this would have at least two adverse consequences; first, it would be easy to make them look like cheats who had deprived the voting members of their selected candidate; also, it would surely be alleged (whether true or not) that corruption was involved in the process. Secondly, The Donald might well make good his threat to run as an independent if failing to be nominated. If either of these things happened (the latter especially), any chance the Republicans had of recovering the White House would likely go up in smoke. I have seen a number of interviews with Republican grandees and former candidates in the last week or so. All looked and sounded as if they were trying to digest a whole unpeeled pineapple in the course of the interviews but, however distasteful they may find the prospect, my suspicion is that tolerating (even if not positively endorsing) a Trump candidacy will present itself as the lesser of two evils. They are likely to go along with the Don, and hope for the best.

Who knows, their case may not be completely hopeless. Mrs Clinton’s campaign has scarcely been the coronation procession expected by many. Bernie Sanders is unlikely to beat her at this stage, but he has given her a very good fight. This has already had certain consequences, including the attachment of the Clintons to big money party backers (not that there is anything new about this). In view of this, it is not clear that the more “progressive” element of Democrat support - including Sanders’ large, often young and idealistic followers of the sort that supported Obama in early days - will come out in support of Hill on election day. It does not help, either, that the harsher points of her personality have become more evident than in the past due to the requirements of non-stop campaigning. Not to mention the fact that, a faded, wheezing shadow of his former self, the Ghost of Bill still hovers in the vicinity … All in all, she looks less secure against the populist Trump at this stage than I would have expected.

Could be fun running up to November and (Gods help us) beyond … Yours from the Clanton Place, fingering my musket, JR.

At least Americans have the prospect of being able to vote for something other than the pale, insipid and predictable products of two party machines, being Trump as a wild card with Clinton as the pale, insipid and predictable product of her party machine.

Doesn’t mean I approve of Trump or would even be remotely likely to vote for him if I was eligible, but if he stood as an independent down here in our looming election between our two major parties of dull apparatchiks I’d vote for him, if only to piss off the two major parties to indicate that it’s way past time to stop their internal party circle jerking and get out into the real world and find out what the bulk of the population thinks and wants.

That is exactly the motive behind his tremendous public support in this election, the People have had enough of of the political Punch, and Judy show. Both sides presumably seeking the same ends by effecting slightly different means. So it is the Finger of Universal understanding that the People present to the Parties. They have begun to see the truth of things, and I find hope for humanity in that. Trump may well win the Nomination, and the General Election. And as you say, just to aggravate the machine politicians, the citizenry will vote for him. We’ve had some excellent Presidents, and some that were a waste of good oxygen. Trump can’t be all that bad. This time I believe that the “Devil you know” will be defeated by the “Devil you don’t” And to illustrate this point, you can view an information resource that is preferred by (far too many) people when it comes to making Election related decisions.

The audience is in place … the sawdust spread … the gladiators in the arena. Let the games commence … Yours from the Washington Arena, JR.

Indeed, all is in readiness. The Bilious clouds of rhetoric will be thicker than the mud they sling. It would be a good idea for Americans to subscribe to other television providers, so thy can avoid the attack ads, and Bafflegab. Netflix is my new best friend :wink: :slight_smile:

The opening exchanges of this combat have been a bit … strange. Trump has appeared determined to concentrate on scoring own-blows, refusing to endorse the campaigns of distinguished Congressional Republicans, insulting Muslim war dead, and getting involved in various scraps with other Republican office-holders and donors. In gladiatorial terms, this is rather as if the retelarius is whipping himself with his lead-weighted net while the Thracian looks on, hardly believing her luck. Meanwhile, rumours abound that The Donald’s campaign staff are in near-despair, having lost all control of their volatile candidate, and statements from prominent Republicans strongly suggest that the Don’s support, away from its hard core, is crumbling at the margins.

What is Trump up to ? Is he really going to follow through with his Presidential bid ? Might his statement that the General Election will be “rigged” suggest that he is preparing to withdraw, before the “Trump brand” is drawn into a huge public failure ? Where would this leave the Republicans ? And, of course, President Obama has asked the $million question - if the Republican Party establishment are so unhappy with “their” candidate, how can they justify their continued support for his candidacy ? Answers on a postcard … Yours from the lions’ cage, JR.

The Republican Party would not dare to go against the fact that trump has captured the popular vote in the Primaries.(though they may well want to) The Voters have forwarded Trump, not the Party. But they(if they want to continue as a viable political Party) Have to go by the popular vote. They could pull some procedural tricks, but this would only call forth the torches, and Pitchforks of the Voters who supported Trump’s efforts. The People have spoken, and the Party had best heed the hue, and cry. In a nutshell that’s the reason Trump has the Nomination. He also has a very good possibility of winning the General election in November. (I wonder if all the celebrities who said they were going to leave the U.S. if trump won will be having Rummage sales…) :wink: :slight_smile:
I will agree that this is a strangest, most bejumbled Election cycle I personally have been witness to.

Like Churchill… Responding to nick fresh drunk post

My hero.

Glad the left government has been voted out. Good night left side !!!

We’ll see now what he can pull out of the hat, Trumps success is based greatly in the Citizenry voting against insider dynastic Politics, so I will be watching him as will everyone else who supported him. I for one will be pleased if term limits for the Members of the Houses of Congress are put in place.

Drunk or sober talking to a pinhead like you is painful. I wish mom would shut off your interweb…

Don’t hold your breath. We had a State Senator run on that line with a preposterous commercial showing the politicians in Albany screaming in fear of his term limits bill he planned to put out as a freshman senator. They were laughing at the chance to crush any such legislation if he even bothers to honor his campaign promise…

I don’t pin my hopes on it, but it would be interesting to see the Hubbub such a Bill would create. The C-Span coverage of it would take top prize for best reality show. :wink: :slight_smile:


Feel the same way with liberals and liberal stupid propaganda. It’s like speaking to a brick wall… the reason why trump was voted in over a puppet liberal leader such as hilliary clinton. She was far out of touch with the average American person, plus she spoke left drippled crap that came out of her mouth, people went F ya… we want trump… and I don’t blame them. Also many African Americans voted for trump… they too are so sick of liberals crap.

Now all we need in Australia is for Pauline Hanson to become PM.