
The medal for the hardest and longest campaigns.

It was never awarded by any nation.

In any war, not just the most recent ones.

There’s a reason the medal is empty. Because that campaign never ends.

Thank you for that. I was wondering why he kept changing uniform. Must be Walter Mittie - with his flies on fire - do you think anyone will notice, other than the squirrels, that is?

Yeah, I think we’ve treated our vets pretty terribly here…

There’s going to be an ongoing mental health crisis for years due to the nature of the Iraq War (as in the sort of combat) and from the head injuries sustained by the concussed…

They’re already throwing people out of the US Marine Corp simply because they have issues of mental illness from sustained combat…

It’s interesting how the US military gets away with exposing workers to trauma and hazards, then kicks them to the curb once they’re no longer useful, ruining their chances for civilian employment in the process. I think private industry hasn’t been allowed to do that sort of thing unfettered since even before the “New Deal.” But yet the military gets to do what we, influenced by “muckrakers,” chided business for like 100 years ago…



I reckon he might go in for a bit of ferret legging.

Helps to break up those long flights.

Give him something to do with his hands. And other things. :wink:

Is it much different to our state and federal governments’ brilliant idea of kicking people out of mental hospitals so they can clog up the streets? (We’ve been doing that here for a couple of decades, so that the poor bloody police can shoot them and then get blamed for shooting headcases who didn’t know that capsicum spray was supposed to make them drop the knife and stop advancing on the cops. Some mentally ill people just don’t know enough about concentrated vegetable extracts to stay alive! :rolleyes:)

Well, actually it is.

Your average nutbag chucked out of, or nowadays simply denied entry to, a mental ward isn’t a trained killer. Unlike veterans.

Another piece of government money-saving brilliance that puts the community at risk while denying care to the poor bastards who need it, whether that need for psychiatric care and social support came from serving the nation in a war or something else.

Yeah, I read a case where a US Gulf War II vet took his AK-47 “on patrol” into a gang area and opened fire on some gang members after they harassed him near a minimart. He then reported to the police as if they were his commanders…


He can’t use his hands, he keeps burning them.

Same reason his flies are on fire and the bandits avoided him at the airport – he drives a hot rod, you see! :wink:

Here’s a little teaser I found elsewhere:

The Daily Mail recently reported that a diverted RAF flight carrying troops home on R and R landed at Birmingham airport and before being allowed into the airport building they were forced to change into civvies. This they had to do in the aircraft and, because of lack of room, on the airport apron.

Birmingham airport authorities have since denied having anything to do with the decision. “The military personnel were under the command of the senior officer on the flight who ‘ordered’ the servicemen to change”, said an airport spokesman.

It appears that the WW2 saying about British soldiers being “lions led by donkeys” is still very much alive and kicking! But then in the majority of cases has this not always been the case?

It’s a strange world we occupy. :slight_smile:

A footnote to the original topic of the thread:

An extract from The Surrey Comet a local rag says the following:
Mole Valley District Council is so appalled at her behaviour that it is expected to pass a resolution this week extending the free swimming concessions for servicemen to their families, who will also be allowed free use of the soft play area at the centre and free entry to Dorking Halls cinema.
Councillor Tim Hall, leader of Mole Valley District Council, said: "There appears to have been a rare incident where two members of the public queried the provision of lanes of the swimming pool for Headley Court.
"This was an isolated incident, where some insensitive comments were made by these members of the public, directed at some of our customers from Headley Court.
"As we live in a democracy which encourages freedom of speech, we cannot legislate against what particular individuals say."A spokesman for the MOD said: "We are disappointed that a small number people objected to the closure of swimming lanes so that patients of Headley Court could use them.
Anyone who want to red more can see it at Surrey Comet


Now that is something positive.

Time to change the old Avatar Methinks…