USSR in alliance with nazi Germany

Do you mean Russo-Polish war in 1920?
Russia was at war with Poland much times in history.

Yes it’s true , i read about German-Polish “plans” against Ukraine.
That was write Ribbentrop about talks with Beck.

on 6 of January of 1939. Munich

… I certified Beck in the fact that we were interested in the Soviet Ukraine only inasmuch as we wherever only we can, made with Russian damage, just as they to us, therefore, naturally, we support fixed contacts with the Russian Ukraine. Never we had any matters concerning the Polish Ukrainians, on the contrary, this strictly was avoided. The Fuehrer indeed already presented our negative position with respect to the great Ukraine. Entire evil, as me it seems, in the fact that anti-Russian agitation in the Ukraine always exerts, it goes without saying, a certain reverse influence on the Polish national minority groups and Ukrainians in Carpathian Russia. But this, in my opinion, it is possible to change only if Poland and we will in every respect collaborate in a Ukrainian question. It said to Beck that, as it seems me, with the general wide regulating of all problems between Poland and by us it would be possible to completely agree in order to examine the Ukrainian question as the privilege of Poland and to in every way possible support it with the study of this problem. This furthermore has by prerequisite ever more explicit anti-Russian position of Poland, otherwise hardly there can be overall interests. In this connection it said to Beck, it was not intended during one excellent day to be joined to the anti-Comintern pact. Beck elucidated, that now this is impossible, the activity of comintern undergoes in Poland the legal prosecution, and these questions always strictly divided from the state relations with Russia. Poland, according to Beck, does everything in order to collaborate with us against the comintern in the region of police measures, but if it concludes on this question political agreement with Germany, then it will not be able to support the peaceful good neighborly relations with Russia, necessary for Poland for its calmness. Nevertheless Beck promised that the Polish policy in the future, perhaps, will be able to be developed in this respect in the direction desired by us. I asked Beck, they did not turn from the ambitious aspirations of marshal Pilsudskiy to this direction, i.e., from the claims in the Ukraine. This it, smiling, answered me, that they were already in Kiev itself and that these aspirations, undoubtedly, are still living and today. Then I thanked Mr. Beck for his invitation to visit Warsaw. Date yet they did not establish. They agreed, that Mr. Beck let us again thoroughly think over entire complex of possible agreement between Poland and by us ".

   on 26 January, 1939, Warsaw

… Then I again spoke with mr. Beck about the policy of Poland and Germany with respect to the Soviet Union and in this connection also regarding the Great Ukraine; I again proposed collaboration between Poland and Germany in this region. Mr. Beck did not hide, that Poland pretends in the Soviet Ukraine and to the output to the Black sea; it here allegedly the existing dangers, which, in the opinion of Polish side, the agreement with Germany, directed against the Soviet Union, will involve for Poland. However, it, speaking about the future of the Soviet Union, expressed the opinion that the Soviet Union either will be pulled down as a result of the internal disintegration or in order to avoid this lot, it will previously gather into the cam all its forces it will deliver impact. I to mr. Beck the passive nature of his position and stated that it would be more expediently prevent the development, which it predicts, and to come out against the Soviet Union in the propagandistic plan. In my opinion, it would say , the connection of Poland to the anti-Comintern powers to it threatened in no way, on the contrary, safety of Poland would only win because Poland would prove to be with us in one boat. Mr. Beck said that also this question he will seriously think over ".

It’s amazing , but after the aggression in Slovakia (till half year to 1 september 1939), Poland build own plan to capture the alien territory in company with Hitler(!!!).

Chevan, provide sources for your quotes.
The only comment I can have to your quotes from Ribbentrop - it is great pity and wasted opportunity that Poland did not joined Germany early 1939…

Nothing anti-Russian here, just pure logic, without any sentiments and ideology.


That would have been impossible because the Germans wanted Poland for their own ends. I am surprised you have so much affection for a nation that used false pretenses to start a war against Poland(Gleiwitz incident), stole the Wartheland, killed somewhere around 2 million Poles, and let the UPA run amok in Galicia and Eastern Poland. Not to mention Germany still exploits Poland via legalized prostitution.

Please Lancer,
Joachim Von Ribbentrop “Memoirs of Nazi diplomat”.Moscow 1998.
English sours:
Ribbentrop J. Memoirs. London, 1954
You can easy find it in net.
Mate, i just wonder that you nothing know about Polish-Germans collaboration till 1939.
If you have “great pity that Poland did not joined Germany early 1939” agains USSR ( therefore against France and Britain) it just talk about your unscrupulousness.

Thanks Chevan,

Beck turned down German proposals because of British “guarantees” which led to war.
Yes I’m unscrupulous. Looking coldly at all pluses and minuses, Poland would be much better off joining Germany than honourably fight for “democracies” than being sold by them to Stalin. Stalin would get Poland anyway but much less fighting on Polish territory and less losses would follow.
It’s not that I symphatize with Hitler. I despise nazizm. But if Russians can understand Molotov - Ribbentrop pact as politically clever, time buying measure, I can think in the same frame - no sentiments just cold calculation.



Beck turned down German proposals but he never hided aggresive polish plans to Ukraine.
Mate, do you seriously think that politic of Poland befor ww2 was “honourably fight for democracies”?
I do not wish to insult your national feelings, but please be the honest.
If you convict (it’s your law right) the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact as the reason of quick defeat of Poland , you have to be the bold to recognize the aggresive polish plans. Poland used any possibility to cupture alien territory till 1939.
Read please what wrote Winston Churchill about polish diplomaty before ww2 in it’s work “The Second world war”.