Victor's injustice

Gratia gratiam parit:smiley:

Now let us see how it is enforced in The USA or China. Explain how these courts are bound by the ‘Universal Declaration’.

Pacta sunt servanda, Domine. Exempla in iniuriam illustrant, non restringuunt legem. Concentrate yourself upon these well-known legal principles, and everything will be perfectly clear for you. And if you do have some especially difficult problems involving a certain area of International law, the size of the fee in each case will depend upon the nature, or difficulty of the legal problems. Drawing up a non-commercial legal analysis in International Law, based upon suggested fee schedule of the Legal Club of America, will be charged with $750. Tax free. :wink:

A perfect an example of Reductio ad absurdum as I have ever seen!

Thank you very much, Sir, for that heartwarming compliment. Yes, severity of the circular reasoning established by that truly sorrowful sentence (“It remains to be established that Harris was guilty of any war crime under international law at the time.”) which confronted the general rule A ratione ad rationatum valet consequentia actually necessitated application of the Reductio ad absurdum.

And no, I am not claiming that anyone else not convicted of War Crimes could be as guilty as Hitler. God forbid. That is only your tiny eristic extension. :slight_smile:

I’m only claiming that certain Air Chief Marshall was responsible for a wanton disregard for the safety of legally specifically protected places where the sick and wounded were collected, and that he is responsible for the commitment of the offense of criminal negligence.

That’s all.

Is that a war crime under the Hague Convention?

Alas, yes - it was a violation of rules of war, and Hague Convention (IV) respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land and the annexed Regulations were “recognized by all civilized nations and regarded as being declaratory of the laws and customs of war”.

No thanks. I recognise bullshit when I see it. Bullshit in latin smells no sweeter than in English.

Pacta sunt servanda, I’m only claiming that certain Air Chief Marshall was responsible for a wanton disregard for the safety of legally specifically protected places where the sick and wounded were collected, and that he is responsible for the commitment of the offense of criminal negligence. [/quote]

Thank you for your opinion. You do know what they say about opinions …

When a man uses profanity to support an argument, it indicates that either the man or the argument is weak - probably both. :frowning:

Let’s keep this debate civil and respectful please.

I think a better indicator of ‘weak argument’ is grandiloquence.