Waffen SS

Im glad you agree! it has been a pleasure (small one, but baby steps and all!)

There must be hundreds of university, government, and historical society web sites with published documents on the Net that prove everything that I said
and as of yet you have failed to provide a link to even a single one, not even one as reliable as Erwin Schatzers! and that isnt hard, we have supplied you with forums and websites, and published military training manuals yet of these Hundreds of Government University and Historical websites you havent found any…Yet

on this forum at present we have two International Politics and Military History Students,
One War Studies student,
limitless Serving and ex members of HM forces.(I have given up looking at the members list on here, trying to recognise names)
3 Vietnam era veterans
3 people who served in warsaw pact nations armed forces
all in all an impressive list of military experience

You have not found one ally to your claims on the global internet, yet we are here in droves routinely discountng information you claim to be true. I do not threaten you but merely on numbers not one person has stood at your side and agreed that.

all assault rifles are carbines
the M1 Carbine was an assualt rifle.

you need only admit that you were wrong and this can all be over, failing that drink some paint thinners and have a lambert, itll be much less amusing for us than watching you apologising granted but maybe better for the world!

who would you count as a verifiable source, we have shown you British Army Pams,
we have shown you USMC pams

we have set up a forum for you to discuss this with the British Military, yet you insist on asking us to verify it,ask your questions there;-
we have;

Quarter Masters,
Training wing staff
even Cooks,

All of whom would love to answer any questions you might feel the need to ask!

unfortunately we have no game designers!


when you can prove any of the things I stated are untrue instead of simply posting nonsensical insults in terrible grammar, you get $10,000! The question is, how badly do you want to make a fool of yourself in front of the world?

get yourself over to arrse! Stop hiding over here, there are 9,000 people in Arrse your chances of finding an Ally are greatly improved,

though I am taken by the romance of one mans last stand agaisnt superior odds! quite touching really.

what happens at metre 501?

message from an Irate friend not from me so I cannot be held accountable for any flaws in his logic sorry!

He says

I have been to war and done it whereas you have not, stick your keyboard up your arse and die.

The question is, how badly do you want to make a fool of yourself in front of the world?

ok FRIONPAN the truth is that possibly 9,000 people are laughing at you at present, you present me with one person to disagree with our claims -one educated serving member or veteran of any of the worlds armed forces - apart from your father, and we will start to consider how much of a fool I am prepared to look, OK!
if you are so sure we will look foolish, then come over to arrse and humiliate us publicly! where 9,000 people will laugh at us as we eat humble pie.

Think of the glory!

Why even your Dad would be proud, and might even stop thinking you were an effeminate soft-cock whose done nothing with his life and substitues real action for computer games.

Come to arrse and show me up, humiliate me by showing everyone how much about infanteering you know!

Your ‘Irate friend’ should explain himself a little better.

I followed Man of Stoat’s link and have seen no contact from this site’s resident ex-spurt, a shame I thought as I’m sure it could be an interesting exchange of views.

Dammit, I knew we were the bad guys all along. Thanks to go Mr. Tefal for the correction!

Oh, and you still haven’t answered Scaley’s point about Arnhem, despite outnumbering the British, having better arms, and the British not being armed with the M1 carbine at the time :roll:[/quote]



Whereas your refusal to provide any sources about;-

  1. Your Assault rifle claims,
  2. The non-existence of the British Commonwealth…

Entirely adult?
Dont violate this otherwise informative forum, we shall clear up this issue elsewhere and post the findings here so as not to misinform people that might read the thread!


Dammit, I knew we were the bad guys all along. Thanks to go Mr. Tefal for the correction!

Oh, and you still haven’t answered Scaley’s point about Arnhem, despite outnumbering the British, having better arms, and the British not being armed with the M1 carbine at the time :roll:[/quote]


I’m not sure if I understand the English language any longer.

Since when has reminding someone to aswer a question been childish ?

Damn !

Maybe I should look it up on a computer game…

check the amazing soldiers thread if you want to know which computer games to look at, Most…Interesting!

Rather embarrassing when you blurt crap all day on the ‘net pretending to be a military expert then 9000 real experts come along and laugh at you when really you are a spotty faced oik who plays computer games. :oops:

Wonder what crap the walt is going to amuse us with today? :smiley:

I haven’t laughed so much since I skiffed my mate. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

And Erwin short of being a wanker Argentinian,
turned out to have a girlfriend who is into anal!

HEY!!! YOU`RE SAYING IM A WANKER!!! (???) what is a wanker? :roll:

Erwin, we’re all wankers to one degree or another but nice to know that your missus likes it up the wrong un is confirmed. :smiley:

:smiley: (???)

the only i understand is we are wankers.

i should study english

If your missus likes it up in the back I think you have better things to do with your time.

here 1:48 ,so,just having fun here

im going to skiff you!

you dare and Ill stroke one out where Eva Perons face is meant to be…

…there you go semper!