War Uniforms

Dietrich had a general reputation of not caring too much about military dress codes at all, he pretty much mixed all kinds of uniforms he had in his closet.

This one is very nice! :slight_smile:

Sepp Dietrich was a good commander,or he just “collect” the badges?
He has many…
Rommel haven’t got this much but he was better commander isn’t?

I’m sure Rommel was awarded an equal amount of decoration in both WW1 and WW2, just think of the “Blue Max” (Pour le Merite).
Dietrich is indeed wearing some uncommon decorations for a tank general like the WW1 tank badge or the Combined Pilots-Observation Badge with Diamonds but also some Nazi stuff (which Rommel probably wouldn’t) like the Blutorden (blood order) or the Golden Party Badge of the NSDAP.
As for Dietrich’s commanding qualities…actually he never attended an education for general staff business and he would have been flat on his back if it wouldn’t have been for his chief of staff Rudolf Lehmann. It’s reported that Obergruppenführer Wilhelm Bittrich once explained the situation on the front for 90 minutes to Dietrich but he still didn’t get a thing. Von Rundstedt called him decent but a bit dumb during an interview after the war. Anyway, Dietrich was certainly loved by his troops and knew how to motivate them.

I think this thread shows how easy it is to get the masses to join a facsist movement…

Give them a pretty uniform and they will come in droves.

Perhaps not.

This is a very pretty uniform

Indeed, to some, notably in the Household Cavalry, it might be quite enticing.

Not that there’s anything wrong with being a member of the Household Cavalry who finds that even a little enticing. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/a-very-modern-military-partnership-1928748.html

Be all that as it may, even with those very pretty uniforms and their considerable enticements I did not come. In droves, or at all.

Conversely, when confronted with the following quite drab uniforms, which are not in the least pretty, I confess to a somewhat different reaction which, I am afraid, suggests that the motto should be “Make a drab uniform and they will come.”

All of this is, of course, based purely on my unanalysed personal reaction to the following shabby outfits of a sorry regime barely able to clothe its soldiers and which cannot even issue them with identical uniforms and boots.

Whats ya point?

The household cavalry are fascists?

Homosexuals are fascists?

Homosexual cavalry are fascists?

Household fascists are homosexuals?

I have always thought that British WW2 battledress had a certain functional charm. Plus for snazzy, I rather like US Airborne kit. German stuff is well cut, I just find it a little odd that people want to strut around in black SS dress uniforms…

None of the above.

But I think their horses are suspect.

Have you noticed how the Queen’s horse always goes sideways on ceremonial occasions? Plus she rides it sideways. Hardly a subtle message.

To a degree. But, having worn it in service, I wouldn’t want to have dystentery while wearing it. Too many buttons and braces to detach the upper from the lower portion. Jungle greens were much more practical.

Well, if they’re all lesbians, my head is gonna explode!


I wouldn’t have thought that your head was the organ most likely to explode.

Two things to note.

  1. The possible lesbian is in the third rank from the front, second file from the camera. Or maybe she’s just very rich and can afford a longer skirt.

  2. The bloke in the foreground doing the upskirting is not me.

Fascist horses?

They must be German breeds…

Always had my doubts about those horsey types. Not enough of the ‘charge stark naked at jerry’ about them.

Then again, after viewing the link, perhaps they may charge naked at Jerry, and be weilding their pink swords…

"Well, if they’re all lesbians, my head is gonna explode! "
Since not even one of them is wearing practical shoes,(or Flannel Battle Blouse) I dont think they are part of the Lesbian Legion. Tho they could be part of some dark plot by MI6…

Could you expand upon the likely plot, and how the legion of leggy ladies will bring it to fruition?

Not designed by Hugo Boss as people like to make out.

SS-Oberführer Prof. Dr. Karl Diebitsch and graphic designer Walter Heck designed the ‘Black’ SS uniform. The Hugo Boss factory made them along with other factories.

They must be some prototype of the later Austin Powers “FemBots” employing a strategy of deception by distraction, uh, what were we talking about??

The forefathers of all modern infantry.

Darker than even British Racing Green, almost black, and a far better reputation, too.


There are no crypto-fascists here at all?! :wink: hmmm.

I’d add that the US Army did a very good job of making even privates look sexy!

you KNOW!? “Oversexed, overpaid, and OVER HERE!” ;-)!

i found a nice pic :

Lt., 82nd Airborne, Sicilly, 1943
01 - M2 helmet with camouflage net
02 - M1942 jacket
03 - M1942 trousers
04 - M1934 wool shirt
05 - boots
06 - M1936 main belt with M1916 holster for the Colt M1911 pistol
07 - M1936 webbing
08 - M1A1 carbine
09 - M2A1 gas mask
10 - M1910 folding shovel
11 - M1942 canteen
12 - M1910 bag
13 - dog tags
14 - M1918 Mk I knife
15 - M1936 backpack

SS-Reiter (Private), 8. SS-Kavallerie Division “Florian Geyer”, summer 1944
01 - M-40 Feldmutze field cap
02 - M-40 helemt with SS badges
03 - Feldbluse 44- new sweatshirt, inspired by the British battle dress, cavalry markings on the shoulder straps
04 - trousers
05 - M-35 belt
06 - wool shirt
07 - M-39 webbing
08 - “Florian Geyer” division armband
09 - woollen gloves
10 - Panzerfaust 60
11 - 7,92 mm Sturmgewehr 44
12 - M-84/98 bayonet
13 - tarpaulin ammo pouches
14 - M-24 grenade
15 - Waffen SS payment book
16 - M-31 canteen
17 - M-43 leather boots
18 - leggins