War Uniforms

Although the German Military was under Nazi influence and control, I think that the Germans had the best uniforms. Even lower rank soldiers had very interesting uniforms which greatly reflected the might of the German army at the time.

What about the uniforms of ORs in other European armies at the time?

Weren’t they, on an objective basis free of notions about the might of the Heer, at least as interesting?

There is so much difference between field and formal uniforms. I was a guest at a British Army formal affair in the mid 70’s and was most impressed by their formal branch uniforms, it was like stepping into living history, like being an old movie. But their (and other countries) WWII field uniforms seemed to defy logic - officers wearing leggings (spats) and ties in combat? Of course I understand Patton was an *** hole in this concern, as was his antagonist Montgomery. It is hard to argue with success.

In the US Army we struggled with this “spit and polish” mentality. In the ‘60’s I can remember polishing the bottoms of shoes and boots for inspections, some even went so far as to chrome metal mess kits. It was common for career soldiers to have two sets of field gear, one for inspections and one to actually use.

I saw this attitude start to change in the ‘80‘s, “serviceability” ( does it work, will it do what it is suppose to do in the field) rather than how pretty it is began to catch on.

In spite of regulations to the contrary some “old time” NCO’s were still inclined to judge a soldier by whether or not he/she wore spit shinned boots and starched fatigues (BDU’s) and not how they performed.

What’s wrong with that? Scrim ties are making a comeback, style in the field is very important.:army:

With no doubts, it was the german army’s uniform, it was even designed by Hugo Boss!

German uniforms? well, tell that to the Chinese. Axis forces weren’t the only ones who used a stahlhelm.

Guess where the Chinese bought these from…

Yeah I know. But from what I heard, the Irish didn’t buy theirs!

Panzer uniform all the way. Short jackets and big flaps do the job.

Big german cross over tie with high german officers and the red flap is also very classy