Wehrmacht exhibition

The “sporadic killings” of Germans by Americans was not sanctioned under any orders with the possible exception of references made by some generals towards German snipers. There are instances where US troops massacred smallish numbers of Germans and Italians and were court martialed for it…

I’m not apologizing for some of the things that a few American bastards did in the War, but comparing the ad hoc atrocities convicted by a few who knew full well it was illegal to a unit specifically earmarked to massacre unarmed, secured civilians and political officials is pretty fucking silly…

To the chav: Starting from the point that we can criticize our goverment without being shot I will say yes, compared with russia Argentina is a democratic paradise.
Germany had thousand more desapeared people than Argentina in the 1933-45 periosd and russian Millions in the same period, so I dont know why you make so much fuss about it.

To the PuK.

Starting from the point that we can criticize our goverment without being shot I will say yes, compared with russia Argentina is a democratic paradise.

Indeed we might to criticize everyone and everybody since 1991 and we have a legal opposition, who ( you will not believe) still alive and active , unlike those 20 000 of your’s in Agrentine.
As for “democratic paradise” - yes actualy the semi-dictarorship govenments ( espesially in Latin america) like to portray their second-hand country as sort of “paradise” ( Agrentine, Brasil, Chili ets) compared not Just to Russia but even rest of world , including Britain:)
Just like your semi-educated junta try to present collapsed Agrentime as “paradise” for Falklanders;) only 20 years ago.
And still try to do…

Germany had thousand more desapeared people than Argentina in the 1933-45 periosd and russian Millions in the same period, so I dont know why you make so much fuss about it.

Just for your general educational purposes:)
Coz you obviously didn’t know that GErmansy , Russia and rest of Europe survived the 2 Total wars in past centure plus Russian survived bloddy Civil war.
Unlike the Argentine , that survived ONLY the frustration of their OWN govenment in that centure.

I think the “sporadic killing” wan indeed sucntioned in many cases, by low-rank officers.
Say we know for sure that Malmedy massacre wasn’t sporadic , it’s has been relaised by the SS-officer order.
Also i don’t think that Dahau massacre of SS-guard was sporadic.In fact it was organized by American officer.See the report.
In fact the most of such a cases, the ordinary soldiers would not commit such a large scale crimes without the special order.

The massacre itself is still somewhat of a mystery as to where the orders originated and exactly why it was carried out. The SS said the Americans were trying to escape. The US conjecture was that the Germans (SS) were “trying to send the message” that American units that resisted would be given no quarter. Even after they surrendered. But the testimony of the three survivors (which included a man who went on to act in Hollywood, but I can’t recall his name) generally believed it to be entirely premeditated and not something that turned from a prisoner escape into an accidental massacre. The German/Romanian SS members bayoneting the survivors shows this…

Incidentally, Seth Dietrich and the prognosticators of the massacre were all released after the War as an internal US Army investigation found that the Counterintelligence Corp used illegal methods of interrogation (i.e. torture)…

Also i don’t think that Dahau massacre of SS-guard was sporadic.In fact it was organized by American officer.See the report.
In fact the most of such a cases, the ordinary soldiers would not commit such a large scale crimes without the special order.

A lieutenant that formed an ad hoc execution squad after wandering into a death camp wasn’t “sporadic?” Well, what qualifies as “sporadic?” The killings (which amounted to a total of 17 out of hundreds of potential SS victims because individual soldiers refused to fire into the crowd). I think it fits the exact definition of a “crime of passion.” There’s a thread where all this is posted. But it seems some wish to perpetuate the myth that this was a wide scale mass-killing of hundreds of the poor SS concentration camp guards…

And incidentally, the shooting was stopped by the battalion commander, a lieutenant colonel, if memory serves correct - it was hardly officially sanctioned…

Quick question: What happened to the Officer that ‘organized’ the shooting of the PoWs?

I’m not sure, I’ll dig out the thread. I believe pretty much nothing happened to him…

I mean, with the context of piles of fetid corpses neatly placed around the camp and in boxcars, I think it would have been difficult for the US Army to charge him…

Edit: The thread is here.

Upon review of the Boston Globe article from 2001, the men were charged with murder, but Gen. Patton ordered the charges dropped because of the circumstances of the death camp…

But men like General George S. Patton did not believe that. Patton dismissed the murder charges with a flourish, tossing all of the investigative files into a trash can and telling the accused men to go home and get on with their lives, according to two officers interviewed by The Boston Globe.

The Jappanese could and should take notes here about comming clean whit your countries ugly past.