Weird Russian Tank

Of course the six-barreled is nonsense, but there many
two-barreled stuff like the ADVANCED MORTAR SYSTEM

Or this one called Gefechtsversuchsträger

Well, seeing one had two barrels in the middle, I thought something was up. But you never know with crazy prototype weapons people build.:slight_smile:

I know a lot of prototypes that look very funny, but this ONE is not a prototype.Becouse it looks technically ugly and senseless.
Pure photo-montage.ANd we have the original two-barrel photo it have been appeared what from.

Thannks Chevan, I never even knew they had vehicles like ones posted in #21!

These are not Russian.
AMOS is a joint venture between Finnish Patria and Swedish BAE Systems Hägglunds.
And the GVT is a German prototype.

Doppelrohr-Kasemattpanzer VT 1-2

Doppelrohr-Kasemattpanzer GVT 04

Cool, the seconde one looks like a tank killer.

Well the six shooter is well a subject to Perfect Insanity. How in their right or wrong mind would ever build that monster. The idea is sound, why have only one round when you can have six. But that is a little problematic. How do you even hide that? If I was a tank commander I would aim for that every time I saw that. So what is the point. Even if it’s photo-shop.

It is still a dumb Idea!!!

To make a fun:D
This is its real point:)