What about a pistol ??? .45 or 9mm

And if there isn’t a more effective weapon in action nearby, things have gone horribly, horribly awry … unless it’s the start of a trench raid, or there are Maori or Gurkha troops nearby. Those guys have a significant reputation for hand-to-hand fighting at arms’ length or less, which itself is topic for a whole new thread.

As to the mod1911A1: I have held one of those pistols, and found it as easy as a Glock or Beretta as far as weight. Given that, while for ammo availability I’d go 9mm, I do know the .45 is a very damned effective pistol.

Regards, Uyraell.

…wait, I think Mauser C96 is good up to 500 metres…

The U.S. was of the opinion that the 1911 was a personal defense weapon with a useful range of 25 ft. (when used by armor troops,) beyond that the M-3 greasegun was the choice (each tank had 2) The Army qualification required a distance of 75 feet, and though a man sized target would be well done in, the group was not tight.

Pistols aren’t all that useful on the battlefield as much more than a backup weapon for close quarter’s combat. They also make nice “sniper markers” for officers and critical support troops such as communications or intelligence personal, etc…

But yes, I’d still want one to supplement my rifle…

Always remember to gift your C.O. with a fine shiny pistol…

According to this site, the C96 could shoot about 150~200 meters…

Pistols are good for two things:

  1. Fun
  2. People whose military job is to sit on their arse all day and think. For them, a small, lightweight weapon is handy and in any case if they ever fire a shot things have gone very, very wrong indeed.

The only exceptions are some very, very specialised tasks such as tunnel clearance operations in Vietnam…

Don’t forget the primary role that pistols were developed for, personal protection. Be it for civilians or for military.

A curious thing is that when civilians of the criminal persuasion here use pistols for personal protection or business persuasion they often malfunction. The pistols, not the criminals, as the latter are constantly malfunctioning.

Unless you’re a member of a pistol club here, an average citizen can’t get a pistol.

Yet criminals can, but often not reliable pistols. It could be due to having clapped out weapons; poor maintenance; defective ammo; and other matters related to untrained people acquiring illicit weapons and illicit ammo from unreliable sources.

P.S. Be careful in joining a pistol club here.

I joined one once and on the first night all they did was serve me beer. That was back in the days when the grog got turned off at 10 p.m. Not having got my hands on a pistol by 10 p.m. when I was being thrown out of the club, I asked what sort of pistol club was this?

The bouncer said: “Drink till 10 p.m. Piss till 2 a.m.” :smiley:

When I was in the business of selling firearms, many women asked about them saying some friend, or relative had suggested getting a pistol for protection. They wanted to know what I thought, and I would tell them it was their choice, but they should consider their situation before buying. most of the people (both genders) had never fired a pistol, or knew how to operate one. (this was more common in those who already owned one) I would take these people to the range to show them basic use, and handling of firearms. I found most of the folks knew only what they saw in the movies, and tv. they had no idea about recoil, noise, or proper aiming. A couple ladies actually dropped their pistols, startled by the jump, and noise. Even though I had explained the process to them.Some of them also had an idea about bullets being self guiding. One can only smile, and correct…In the future, i’ll recommend R.S.’ gun club to those folks :slight_smile:

It should be said that as far as pistols being useful and useless in certain situations, the battlefield is not where one wants to have a pistol as a primary weapon. But I do believe that the Germans and their proxies had a certain shortage of pistols and needed them more than just about any army due to the areas under occupation needing policing. I think there were even numbers of the FN High Power 9mm used that were made in occupied Belgium for the Wehrmacht. I’ve also heard you do not want to fire one of these pistols because some had deficiencies manufactured into them by reticent Belgian workers resentful of their occupiers…:smiley:

A collector firiend/client of mine had a large number of sabotaged firearms, all sorts. Some were very well done, and cleverly beyond detection, others, well not so clever…

My bold

Was that when you were in the strongarm business? :wink: :smiley:

That’s the model with the hairdryer attachment, which naturally requires a mirror.

It didn’t sell well because, while the first few users found it to be a blast, it left them with split ends.

Typing without my glasses again, when will I learn, Ha, the strong arm days are behind me, tho I still have my brass knucks, (I might meet a petulant squirrel in the park) :slight_smile:

women with a smokey look in their eyes are attractive, but i tend to pass by the ones with smoking hair,:shock:

Krumlauf XDXDXD

As I recall, smoking hair on a female betokens one of two things, neither one healthy for the average male: Horror A: the Mother-in-Law. Horror B: the missus getting some “bright idea”.
In either case, strategic retreat to a Fallout Shelter well stocked with Beer, Food, DVD’s, and possibly tobacco (for later trade, if nothing else) is likely a wise course to consider. . . :mrgreen::shock::lol:

Regards, Uyraell.

Only caused by fun friction here, mate.

Well, fun for me, anyway. :smiley:

Unless you’re talking about shearing her wool off and then wrapping it in a TallyHo and sucking it into your lungs. Which would be both unpleasant and a bit sick.

I don’t understand why you needed to qualify the missus with “getting some bright idea”. Surely she’s bad enough just by being married to her? :wink: :smiley:

I assume that the (for later trade, if nothing else) component refers to the wife or, in desperate circumstances, the mother in law? :wink: Or vice versa?

I mean, it’s not like you’d be in a well supplied bunker and give up a beer or a fag which could give you momentary pleasure when you could sacrifice your missus or mother in law and get lifetime relief, is it? :mrgreen:

The “later trade” component was based on the assumption of likely survivors from other similar bunkers, with whom contact may have been established after the fallout has settled, in which case tobacco may well serve as trade goods. (On the other hand trading the Mother-in-Law away first makes good sense!):smiley:

As to the lifetime of relief : of what purpose IS a Mother-in-Law unless to sacrifice to the incoming wolves/marauding hordes et-al? Surely one would not wish to replace the being?:mrgreen:

Warm Regards, in deep humour, Uyraell. :smiley: