What Army Would You Join

Quite OFF-topic.But…
I can’t but agree with lady

This is not true statistic.
You cann’t to see the scale of violence if you watch this post.
Indeed dear Francesca the slav population was the main victims of Holocaust not the jews.
From the Germans hands were perished about 19 mln civils ONLY in USSR. Most of them weren’t jews , homosexuals, Africans, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Communists and political dissidents and ets…They were a usial peoples.
The slav population as and Eastern lands were the aim for the Hitler, His speech to the Hight Command of Wermaht in 1941 where he demand to “forget about humanity in the East” absolutly clear showed his worst criminal sense.

Some scholars do not include the Nazi persecution of all of these groups in the definition of the Holocaust, rather limiting the Holocaust to the genocide of the Jews

Those jewish “scholars” just prove its own racism in attempt to change on the quiet the the scale of violence in the East by the jewish Holocaust. They stand Holocaust to the first place of Hitlers criminals. They simply ignored the fact that other nationals perished much more than the jews form the Nazi hands.
This is wrong way IMO, like and the mythical figures 9/11/26 min victims of Holocaust .
I suspected the some jewish organisation simply try to make the profit ( political and money) from the Holocaust for itself. In fact many of them every year blame all the world in “keepeing silence” and “moral guilt”.
I think this point is danger personaly for the jews, becouse some revisionist historians or neo-nazi try to use this lie about Holocaust in its dirty aims.


My, my, the things one misses when sleeping.

Statistics and denial…which is the greater sin?

So, are we saying that these young men were mindless automatons that new nothing but their duty, the victims of a great evil who had been corrupted evil at an early age?
If so, I would argue that once corrupted they became a part of that evil, they embraced that evil and perpetrated many perverse deeds in the name of that evil. Therefore they should have been dealt with accordingly.

They could have made a difference for ‘good’ by allowing the allies, in the west, an easy passage. Instead, they delayed them, which allowed another great evil to be perpetrated on their own people whom they abandoned to their fate.

There was nothing glorious in their actions and nothing to celebrate.

Aaah, yes, Sergeant Major. Some interesting info.

I was speaking of ‘Leading from the front’ as a concept, which stiil applies today.

By the way, why didn’t Sidney Jarey rise beyond platoon commander?

I guess it would be fun to fly a Fock Wolf (Spelling) over the Eastern Front. I hear that the Fock Wolfs were better than the ME 109s, am I correct?

You are correct, the Focke Wolfe was better than the ME 109…but the P51 Mustang in the hands of the Tuskagee (Red Tails) Airmen was far better.

But last modification of FW TA-152H kick Mystang for some second.

I did qualify my comments by saying : in the hands of the Red Tails - the best!!!

Were they like the Flying Tigers?


check this site

If the country is good enough to live in, it’s good enough to fight for.

You join your nation’s army.

You go where you’re sent.

The army decides your rank.

All this makes sure that you kill, try to kill ,or are killed by, or tried to be killed by, someone exactly the same as you, except he is on the wrong side.

Twenty years later, after your nations have been happily trading with each other since about a fortnight after the war ended (or with some of their major corporations maybe even during it) and making smaller profits for the people who didn’t join up than they made by staying home during the war, you meet your enemy and agree that you both have an understanding of war that is denied to everyone except riflemen and the few others who were actually at the sharp end.

This meeting confirms what you both knew during the war, along with all the other half-way reasonable people who turned from decent civilians into savages for a few days, weeks, months or years.

It might be a great thing to fight for your country, according to politicians and others who don’t actually do the fighting they praise and to which they committed you, but the death and destruction you create and witness makes you sure that it is all a pointless exercise and that it must never happen again.

It will usually happen again, among most civilised nations, at intervals of maybe 20 years. Less civilised nations may have shorter or longer intervals.

Then you try to discourage your son from joining up for the latest stupidity, but he knows better, just like you did. As his son probably will in about another 20 years.

You just hope that your child or grandchild doesn’t get hurt, just like someone on the other side is hoping.

If it’s a real war, the last thing you really think about is which other war you would have liked to have been in and what rank you had.

Surviving it is enough.

I would join the army wno recorded the first victory against Axis … The Hellenic Army of course… As a corporal of Cavalry …

Well just because they had the first victory against the Axis would make me want to join them. I could see why you would because it is your home country. In World War 2 I personally would of never joined the Hellenic Army just over a major battle.