What does everyone do for a living

i am the boss of Cliff.com Animation:P
its my dream to establish this company since i was young, hope i can really do it someday:)

im a reenactor on weekends 8)

I sell rubber penises, merkins & associated items to the retail & wholesale trade.

Obviously these days almost all our production comes from China, but I can remember the glory days of the trade when many of the Northern mill towns of Lancashire & Yorkshire had a least one dildo factory or a love egg production facility.

Happy days, happy days

Does it pay well ?

i’m a professional pole dancer though I’ve had to take some time off due to localised chaffing, them poles play havoc with your inner thighs.

FluffyBunny, would the rampant rabbit be one of your products.

you are a pole dancer :shock: :shock:

well the reenacting does get paid well just depends on wat kind of reenacting u do sum get paid more then others,my dad is a reenactor :smiley: its cool really u use guns,but not real ones dont want to shoot an allie by accident :wink:

Yes I am a pole dancer it’s a great way to meet all kinds of interesting people, make loads of money and well I wont mention the tips.

The only problems I have is that when I see a poll on this site I dont know if I should vote or twirl and my wife thinks I should get a proper job


Im a security operator at a chemical plant here in Houston. I work nights so there fore I sit in my shack and get to play on the computer and watch movies all night.

That’s where i know you from before! i thought i recognised that husky tone of voice from the pink pussycat in upper mayfair! :wink:

FluffyBunny, would the rampant rabbit be one of your products.

The Rampant Rabbit is a registered design, so we are not allowed to copy it.

However, we are about to launch a new model, the “Horny Hare” which is in the same market poistion.

Thanks for your interest. In light of your current job as a pole dancer perhaps you might consider a sponsorship deal from one of my factories?

The Guangdong Interior Goods & Rubber Cock Factory No3 Ltd would like to find a suitable outlet for their advertising budget, and you might be that very outlet.

If you are agreeable, I will speak to Mr Hu Hee, their CEO, and take discussions further.

AT this point I would say back on Topic, but you already are.

I’d be interested in buying a box or two of “Wavy Willies” if you still do them.

Sorry Firefly

We had to discontinue the “Wavy Willy” line after some unfortunate incidents and a product liability claim.

We had specified level 3 moistureproofing for the battery model, and level 5 for the mains version (due to the higher inherent risks of 240 volts vs 9 volts).

Sadly, the factory got its wires crossed, both metaphorically and literally and the young lady involved was hospitalised with quite severe burns.

The manufacturer was sued for negligence, pain & suffering and mental suffering, so the line was discontinued.

Funnily enough, I hadn’t really envisaged you as prime client material, but whatever floats your boat, as we say in the trade.

Perhaps you’d consider one of our “merkin-lite” pubic wigs? Made from real hair, although not real human hair for hygene purposes, they come in a variety of colours including “GWAR ginger”, “dumb blonde”, “gordon brown” and “natural” (which is of course, nothing of the sort)

Thanks agin for your interest in our products. You can view our catalogue online at


Kind regards


Damn, as many of you know I’m a Crab farmer and theres nothing like the Wavy Willy to get the Crabs Xmas party going full swing.

Sorry to hear they had so many accidents, but I suppose it was inevitable in a product that requires so much power to thrust ratio.

Theres a few older Crabs that may look good in the Merkins though, Id take 12 ounces of rough Shag if you do it.

Do you have any ‘Rubber Jubblies’ in stock this festive season, I would need a gross of them fitted with the electric tasslers and light up thruppeny’s.

Finally I am on the look out for some perspex ‘Freckle Shields’ for the OAP’s Xmas lunch.

Yours in hope


I’m a Dentist :twisted:

Lecturer in public services and IT part time and a pensioner full time.

I am currently carrying out research for a book on the history of propaganda. :slight_smile:
Apart from that, not a lot. :oops: