What if Hitler was different

Ardee has committed a devastating faux pax with the sentence that,

“…attracting all sorts of boys who like putting ROGUE on their cheeks…”

I’m fairly sure Rohm would have appreciated having a rogue pressed to his “cheeks”…

Yes, yes I know…it should be ROUGE.

BTW, i think the appearence of Himmler would have been unlikely. He was a NOTHING in the minds of many Germans, and the SS hierarchy ended up ignoring his orders completely…I think an interesting “what if” for Germany would have been Himmler removed from the picture before he had a chance to grab any of the power slots after June 30th 1934 (much joy to be had if they had included Heinrich in their death lists)…Or Goering becoming Chancellor/President when Adolphus was assainated, leading Germany to a compromise with the West…

We may well have gotten a REAL “Crusade against Bolshevism”, rather than the half-assed propaganda campaign that was used as a sop for Barbarossa’s failure.

One more thing…I believe that Socialism IS an

“honourable and sensible political ideology…”

…in a perfect world.

Trouble with it is that the ideology assumes the absence of basic human emotions like GREED or standard practices like EXPLOITATION are going to be entirely absent.

WHEN we, as a society, have elimanted such basics from our collective personalities, then we may well wish to give Socialism another try.

Until then, it’s naive idealism totally divorced from the realities of modern human beings, and the manner in which it was practiced and presented to the world by Russians left a lot to be desired.

Little wonder we didn’t trust them, kept them at arms length. Certainly makes our tenuous alliance with them all the more inexplicable.

Yes i agree and accept your apologize ( actually the first i ever read from western man ) . But of course i realize that we are were victims from the politics and the politicians who made people separate and to hate each other , i learned that lesson and now i don’t hate anyone , just i like every nation to be free and to choose it’s own path. You are very right this should never happen again , we should not allow it .

“…attracting all sorts of boys who like putting ROGUE on their cheeks…”

I’m fairly sure Rohm would have appreciated having a rogue pressed to his “cheeks”…

Yes, yes I know…it should be ROUGE.

Oh, &*%$#! I missed that one, though I went back and fixed a few other typos…

BTW, i think the appearence of Himmler would have been unlikely.

Well, you’ll not I didn’t give him much of a role – though the role given did seem somewhat appropriate…? Or maybe you were talking about another post entirely. :frowning: Anyway, I hoped at least some one enjoyed my commentary!

Has any one heard of this saying before. Power goes too a mans head.
I think it happend too Hitler and turned him into a nut case. smiles.