What Sarah really said In Interview

Wow…talk about flip flop. LOL :slight_smile:

Ya well George has aleays been nice to me Mike. I though a Mods job was to be neautral and not participate in degrading the opinions of its members. I read the term of reference by General Sandworm and it specifically stipulates that engaging in the negativity of a members opinion is frowned upon. Like a teacher in your classroom, you expect their values to supercede that of ordinary man.Thus if a staff member downgrades my intelect it is more hurting than if you did it Mike, thus the reason for my ideology. Anyways I’m sure I will get by, and I appreciate and respect mods job but their frustration should not rub off on poor innocent little ol me, that coulodn’t hurt a fly:roll:

Getting it wrong already

GIBSON: So what do you do about a nuclear Iran?

PALIN: We have got to make sure that these weapons of mass destruction, that nuclear weapons are not given to those hands of Ahmadinejad, not that he would use them, but that he would allow terrorists to be able to use them. So we have got to put the pressure on Iran and we have got to count on our allies to help us, diplomatic pressure.


Either this is a cock-up, or somefolks in Oilland USA are trying to cook up a cosy arrangement with Ahmadinejad that he can keep his nukes if he promises not to lend them to al-Qaeda but since al-Qaeda are Wahabis and Iran is Shi’ite he was hardly was going to do that anyway. As for not using the weapons himself, well why wouldn’t he?

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

And which allies would these be?

The allies whose economies are being screwed by America’s sub-prime mortgage crisis so that now I as a taxpayer in Australia am bailing out those greedy American turds who gave loans that any idiot knew would not be honoured, while the fat turds keep their disgustingly large incomes and the American taxpayer bails them out but not the poor bastards in America who are going to lose their homes?

The allies who don’t want their troops sent off on another mad American Republican neo-con adventure to, among other things, prop up an intransigent Israel which had been shitting on everyone in its neighbourhood for the past sixty years and expects the rest of the world to support it because the Nazis shat on them before that?

The allies who are frightened by Palin saying that America could go to war with Russia over Georgia, yet she thinks America is on a mission from her god in Iraq and apparently, with unwitting and typical American arrogance in international affairs, that Russia should not intervene there?

The allies who, unlike Bush and others, see that America is a declining power which lacks the economic and military resources and skill to carry out fairly minor operations compared with a major conflict but yet has a potential vice-president rattling her sword about getting into a major conflict with Russia over, in geo-political terms, a minor issue.

Count us allies out, thanks.

Maybe she is talking about Eurabia [ AKA the European Union ], when she is refering to Allies?


Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

PS by the way what happened to the Tasmanians?

Given Europe’s cold response to America’s adventure in Iraq, even she couldn’t be that stupid.

However, your reference to Eurabia and elements of your other posts suggests to me that you are a bit of crypto-fascist troll in your own right.

I give up.

What did happen to them?

Wiped out by the French under an agreement to which they might or might not have been party if such an agreement existed?

That comment is hardly deserving of a response, so I am not going to give you one.

Well here’s a hint


Best and Warm Regard
Adrian Wainer

Just the ones that we can really trust…that still have a pair of balls and arent afraid of their own shadow. :slight_smile:

I think she can cross Belgium off the list the from the get go, ( NB for those of us here, for whom English might not be a first language and might find it a little difficult to understand the commentary, the following video is shot in Bruxelles the capital of Belgium not in an Arab country ),.


Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Like we could trust America when we, a nation of 20 million, faced Indonesia, a nation of 200 million and the world’s largest Islamic nation right on our doorstep over East Timor in 1999 and America said “You’re on your own.”?

Yeah, right!

As America is a nation of about 300 million, our effort in East Timor is the equivalent of America taking on about two and quarter times the 1.3m population of China, which is getting towards half the world, when America hasn’t managed after many years to defeat Iraq which has only 27 million people against Australia’s 20 million.

America has never taken on a challenge remotely like we did.

We’re not afraid of our shadaow. We don’t lack balls. And we’ve learnt not to trust America, but we can live with that because we know that every nation acts in its own interests. But we went into East Timor anyway, and fucking near went to war with Indonesia over human rights issues in the knowledge that we had no back up from anyone; no nukes; no nuke subs; no aircraft carriers; limited air capacity; and were vastly outnumbered on the ground in East Timor by Indonesian troops and at a disadvantage on LOC and everything else. Which is more than America did in Iraq, Afghanistan or anywhere I can think of.

So do me a favour and don’t slag Australia for being a weak ally when America didn’t stand with us when we needed it and we’ve stood with it all along since WWII, against our own interests in many instances and only because we’ve had the misfortune to have conservative governments which link up with yours. Not to mention America screwing us on trade since day one.

I think it is eminently deserving of a response, so why are you unwilling to give one, particularly as you opened the issue?

I didn’t mention Australia…YOU are the one who put Australia’s name to my post, but hey…if the shoe fits wear it.

I’m obviously too thick to pick up on the hint, so spell it out for me.

Then read what I said about America as our trusted ally.

When was the last time America landed troops in a country of 3,000 million?

And won?

Actually, for that matter, when was the last time America, on its own with no allies backing it, landed troops in a country of an equivalent population, let alone ten times the population, and won? Or even landed?

re the following

Whilst you are fully entitled to your opinions and to express such opinions, it does not follow from that, that people are obliged to respond to you when you come out with patently idiotic and offensive personal attacks.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

WOW…Australia did this all on their own??? I thought it was a UN force that went into E. Timor but I could be wrong.

Well what would the Aussies want nuclear weapons for, like if an Indonesian militia armored car with a 12.7 mm machine gun had engaged in a fire fight with an Australian infantry rece patrol, Canberra GCHQ were going to have a Royal Australian Airforce F-18 Hornet do a 10 kilotonne nuclear strike on Jakarta or something like that…atomic weapons are basically ir-relevant unless one is going to use them, hence your reference to the yanks having nukes as a point of substance in your argument is nothing but smoke and mirrors.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

What did you expect??? The president at the time was a Democrat, :slight_smile: The one and only Mr. Clinton and his trusty National Security adviser Sandy Berger. Just curious…I wonder how President Bush would have handled this situation.

He would have ignored it, like he did the reports of the 9/11 hijackers in US flight schools…

Or he would have mispronounced it, never listened to anyone, and cleared some brush at his ranch while on vacation…