What Unit Would You Serve In

I’d agree with that, once youve been in for a few years and turn old and wise [allegedly] some of the frontline units definately lose their glamour. By frontline for me I of course mean at least 200 miles away from the frontline ensconced in a 5 Star hotel, complaining about the laundry service only being 3 times a week and the aircon being a tad too cold.

The lads dont really mean to be insulting and Im sure they werent trying to be, its that old humour difference between us again.

Perhaps your question should have been:

‘If you could travel back in time and view the actions of any units, which ones would you choose to view’.

Then you could experience all their actions without actually being in harms way. After all I think I would find it hard to explain to my wife why I suddenly appeared in the afternoon with my legs blown off.

‘Er, just trimming the hedge darling, theres absolutely no way I went back in time and joined the Marines.’

My wife and I share the same terrible fear about me being wounded: that I get my foot blown off.

Well, it’s not really a foot, probably ten inches at best. :smiley:

Mate, if I’ve offended you by acting the idiot, I’m sorry.

No offence was intended.

This isn’t like some boards run like Belsen.

We’re allowed to have a bit of fun here.

You are a very brave man.

I don’t measure proximity to the frontline in miles, but in continents. :smiley:

I can also measure it in incontinence, but that’s only if I get about one continent too close. :smiley:

My thinking is along the lines of rising Sun and co-, preferably something which places a body of water between me and any potential two-way range. perhaps a nice intelligence analysts job stationed somewhere pleasant in Wiltshire.

But, if I had to specify a combat unit, it would be 49 Para

Quote, “Quite a number of us are young, fit, and in the military in wartime. Funnily enough we tend to have short shrift for questions like that…”

Not me, I’m old and cranky, so I’d just complain the enemy into surrendering,:slight_smile: But since you ask, I’d choose an Armored posting,and be in the front of the attack. (Just make sure I get an M-4 with the super 76 gun.or a pershing please,)

I didn’t realise there were units like that.

I like the idea of a talking war. Some people might even think I had a chance of winning it. :wink:

If I was absolutely forced to go on active service, I’d like to be a REMF in your unit. :smiley:

if it was me i would like to be in :
101st Airborne to be exact in 506th Parachut Infantry Regiment
82nd airborne
2nd Rangers Battalion
1st marines
2nd marines

You’re allowed to pick any units you like. Not just American ones.

Why not pick some Greek units and tell us why you like them? Most of us probably don’t know much about them.

you mean units of ww2 or also modern one ?

World War II or if you prefer, the Second World War.

ok then dallas my mistake . world war 2 .
ok about the units i would like to serve :

71st Airborne Brigade

5th Rangers Squadron
1st Rangers Squadron
7th Rangers Squadron

In greek army the rangers and the marines are attached to squadrons . Squadrons are the same with a battalion size unit .

the number of battalion and other army units has nothing to do with armed forces of other nations

sorry for my english

Just put me as a sniper in any division on the western front and I would be fine.

Put me in any front line units in the eastern front with a m1 or kar and ill be fine

Ill go with SS Sonderkommando-thats were they did stuf like V-1 and Ho229.

Me Id go with the 8th ss cavalry division on the eastern front and on a other note wasnt the Sonderkommando the guys who try to fly their planes into enemy planes but unlike the japs would bail out at the last second

No must be wrong unit I was talking about… the unit with the Wunderwaffen…

5th SS Panzergrenadier Division “Wiking”,or any unit who’s in the axis side the Budapest Siege

The “Brandenburger” (german commandos) would be diversified. You wouldn’t have to wear the same uniform for years, you could enen dress in civil clothes from time to time.

If I had a choice, I would serve with the forces of the tiny country of ANDORRA in the Iberian Alps btwn Spain and France. They had a national defense budget of 10 dollars, all for ceremonial ammunition, and their motto for the 8 soldiers involved was “Touch Me If You Dare”…

Other than that, a post in the Swiss Guards at the Vatican ( a chance to dress up as a Renaissance chess piece)…

The Royal Candian Mounted Police Border Guards…