I’d agree with that, once youve been in for a few years and turn old and wise [allegedly] some of the frontline units definately lose their glamour. By frontline for me I of course mean at least 200 miles away from the frontline ensconced in a 5 Star hotel, complaining about the laundry service only being 3 times a week and the aircon being a tad too cold.
The lads dont really mean to be insulting and Im sure they werent trying to be, its that old humour difference between us again.
Perhaps your question should have been:
‘If you could travel back in time and view the actions of any units, which ones would you choose to view’.
Then you could experience all their actions without actually being in harms way. After all I think I would find it hard to explain to my wife why I suddenly appeared in the afternoon with my legs blown off.
‘Er, just trimming the hedge darling, theres absolutely no way I went back in time and joined the Marines.’