What /Who Caused WW2?

No need to apologise. It’s not your fault if the vast resources of our education system managed to let yet another student slip through the system without being properly educated.

Anyway, I promise not to stick it in your bum. :wink: :smiley:

Really,…I can go too bed happy now:D
and i have been doing my best too type like you people.:wink:

Hey RS, Why you bringing me into this?..I didn’t start this thread, so don’t bring my fine honourable name into disrepute…I have only made a few threads myself, but the ones I have, have been considerably good, if I may say so, with lots of viewes and dozens of replies like the one about the Right to bear arms or the Iranian president one…so I try,…and your calling me oppressed in this thread (when I have nothing to do with it), well quite frankly, it hurts my feelings…i mean, what if I never read it all?..half the time I miss out and then I read my name being vandalized!..Shame Shame I say!..Leave my name out of it pls!

I blame the soldiers in the opposite trenches who failed to hit the little bugger when he was running about delivering messages.


I always wounded my self, if only. I swear that guy had 9 lives.