Whats your Favourite Soviet War picture or poster?

This is my favourite picture of WW2. My grandfarther near Reichstag. He is at the left side of the picture.

Great pic!

yes it was.

Alex83 wrote:

This is my favourite picture of WW2. My grandfarther near Reichstag. He is at the left side of the picture.

Sounds like an interesting pic but all I can see is a red X - any chance of reposting?


How about this:


no need for pictures…The film that named stalingrad is the best proof of soviet victory!! sorry that i have no link!! :wink:

Thanks for reposting pic.

Hey Alex83 is that really your grandfather? Those guys were making history - hats off to them. Fantastic pic.


to Alex83
Алекс, молодца!!! :smiley:

more fotos

Collective farmer Ignatov M.A. pass the 100 000 roubles (about $10 000 at thet time) to Red Army for building aircraft.

Child’s work at the factory. Koliy Martjanov’s hard working (1942)

22 june 1941. The beginning of “nightmare”.

Amateur artistic work at the front (1941)

Poles friendly meet the “soviet invaders”(1945)

Sofia, Bulgaria 1944.

Now we can to sleep a little. Cheshoslovakia ,may 1945.

The “race of masters”.Moscow 1944.

http://victory.rusarchives.ru - The greatest collection of the Soviet WW2 fotos

I have also some soviet photos which I realy love because they depict the very nature of soviet regime.
Not all of the are exactly from the period of WWI but because Trotsky was murdered in 1942 I think that they are quite relevant.

Defense Commissar Kliment Voroshilov and Premier Vyacheslav Molotov (on the left) stroll along the Moscow-Volga canal with Comrade Stalin and NKVD boss Nikolai Yezhov, (very nasty bugger), who was arrested and executed in 1939.

Here brilliant soviet science proved that comrad Yeshov never existed :smiley:

This was of course quite common practice… Amazing, 50 years before Photoshop! :smiley:

Here we can see comrade Trotsky…

And suddenly comrade Trotsky vanished in thin air…

And again Trotsky is next to arch murderer Lenin…

And lovely comrade Lenin without comrade Trotsky…
Perhaps Trotsky went to the toilet?

Next to comrade Molotov you can see clearly comrade Yenukidze.
Do you really see him?

And comrade Yenukidze disappeared after his execution…
Quite right, if he was shot, he should not seat next to comrade Molotov. :smiley:

Soviets were so precise in alteration of reality, past present and future, that pages with altered photos in Great Soviet Encyclopedia were printed and send to all subscribers with instruction: " Cut page such and such with razor blade and paste new one attached".

I hope that you may now think longer about authenticity of any soviet photo.



Lancer44 wrote

Not all of the are exactly from the period of WWI but because Trotsky was murdered in 1942 I think that they are quite relevant.

The period of that photos is 1918-1935 when bloody bolsheviks leaders killed each other. It’s out of WW2 and out of topic.
The Troysky (Leiba Bernshtain) was killed 21 aug 1940 in Mexica. His personal guilt was extermination of millions civils peoples and russian officers. He was creator and leader (with Yakov Sverdlov and Lenin) of “Big Red Terror” in 1918-1922.

I hope that you may now think longer about authenticity of any soviet photo.

Not any soviet phonos, just wild period of bolshevism up to WW2.

Hi Chevan,

You are right, my typo, Lejba Bernstein died in April 1940 in Mexico
Then, right within the time frame of WWII. :slight_smile:
Uncle Joe continued killing innocent people right to his death in 1953.


My greeting, Lancer. :smiley:
The Lejba Bernstein was turn out of Communists party in 1927, and in 1929 he leaved USSR. Since that time his photos begin “vanished in thin air” from any soviet official documents.
N.Yezhov was shoted down 4 april 1940, and his portrayal “disappeared” afthe that. Therefore, the period of you interesting photos ,of course, include WW2.

Uncle Joe continued killing innocent people right to his death in 1953.

Well, “Uncle Joe” Stalin was the product of bloody bolshevism, but i think, he never was bolshevic. He was monarch. He used against bolshevics their
own method - the terror.
Who was the “innocent people” , Lancer? May be the Trotsky or Yezhov was “innocent”? The great myth the history of stalinism is to blame personally the Stalin for victims of “big terror”. The terror begin without Stalin in 1918 peoples like Trotsky.
I think the “great polish” in 1937-39 was necessary to remove murderers lake the “first revolutioners”. They, practacally all, were the extremists and bandits. And Stalin sended they all to devil.

Hi Chevan, greetings, :smiley:
How’s things in sunny Krasnodar? :slight_smile:

You have a point,
I don’t always agree with Rezun/Suvorov, but I agree with him that Red Army would be worst off without great purge of 1937.
Stalin certainly eliminated murderers and pretty useless but costly figures in the army.
Elimination of Tukhachevsky was not that bad too, he had many quite unrealistic ideas which could cripple economy.

By innocent people I meant thousands which were needed for industrialisation - slave labour - and perished in Gulag.
Stalin created system which was killing by default.
I know it first hand from my father. He was in the Polish Army in September 1939. When Red Army invaded eastern part of Poland he changed into civilian clothing and tried to go home crossing river San.
Of course he was going to German zone. NKVD border guards caught him.
He received interesting sentence:

  1. Illegal crossing of the border of USSR - 4 years… (doesn’t matter that river San is nearly in the middle of todays Poland…)
  2. 3 years for being a spy - quite logic - only spy could attempt to cross the border. :smiley:
  3. 3 years for counter-revolutionary activity - quite logic as well - spy must be counter-revolutioner… :smiley:
    All together 10 years. He was sent to the camp near river Ussa, the whole transport - (mixed batch - Poles, Russians, Ukrainians) - about 1450 men. After winter only 320 remained alive.
    After signing of “dogovor” Sikorski-Stalin, my father joined gen.Anders Army and was evacuated to Iran.
    He told me a lot about USSR and people he met there.



Hi, Lanser .
It’s realy sad story take place with you father. But i hope it happy-end story, because you appeared :wink:
How old are you? 62?
Yes of couse, many simple peoples perished , particularly died of starvation , while bolshevics bited each other coming to power.
But not Stalin created the system of “working class” terror. It was the work of peoples like Trotsky, Lenin and ets. Simply Stalin turned out to be a most “talent”. Stalin was most pragmatic and practical men in comparison with other leaders.
I think our theme out of topic.

Hi Chevan,

Really off-topic. I will send you private mail. :slight_smile:
