Where is Erwin???

How revolting![/quote]

Actually Tsolias, haggis is very tasty - and I’m not even a Porridge Wog !

Haggis is hunted and trapped in the Highlands during the autumn months, I forget the dates of the season.

Haggis, or Haggii in the plural, are very shy and timid creatures that live on the steep slopes of Scottish mountains such as the Cairngorms.
They look quite strange as they are two legged and very round, they are actually a lot smaller than they appear due to the thick fur they grow to ward off the icy Scottish winter.
Because they have one leg longer than the other they always move around the mountain in the same direction, clockwise or anti-clockwise.
To preserve the numbers the two types are hunted on alternate years, clockwise Haggii in even years and anti-clockwise in odd years.
Nets are set lower down the slopes and manned by the estate workers. The Ghillies, (gamekeepers,) climb the slopes and hide behind
rocks or prepared screens and they listen for the approach of the Haggii.
When they are near enough the Ghillies leap out from their hiding places and try to catch a Haggis in their bare hands, on the rare occasions this happens the Ghillie is rewarded with a small barrel of whisky that is traditionally shared between his team.
The Haggii have quick reactions and tend to run off. Unfortunately their retreat proves to be their undoing, and when they run in the opposite direction to normal the long leg is now above them, causing them to roll downhill to the waiting nets.

Haggis is normally prepared by skinning them and removing the outer layers of fat. They are boiled and best served with a single malt.
Over the last fifty years they have also been sold in fish & chip shops where they are minced, put into sausage skins, dipped in batter and deep fried.

Blessed are the Cheesemakers?

Cuts description is pretty much the truth. I hunt them quite regularly and it is always best to catch them on the wrong side of the hill as they cannot turn around.

Deep fried with a Mars bar they are ever so tasty.

Blessed are the Cheesemakers?[/quote]

You’re going against the cows again :evil: What have they ever done to you? Are you cowist?

The traditional Gillie roar when catchin a Haggis in the hands is ‘Ahve got ye, ye wee Hairy Beastie’, to which the hunting party will reply ‘Jings, crivvens, help ma Boab’.

Ah the icy winters…

Blessed are the Cheesemakers?[/quote]
You’re going against the cows again :evil: What have they ever done to you? Are you cowist?[/quote]
Well, obviously, this is not meant to be taken literally. It refers to any manufacturers of dairy products. As such surely cows should have an honoured part in the production process?

well erwin as been having fun on another web site

sending everyone to sleep with his boring comments

Who are you Yannie ?, ive never seen you before, yet you joined early June. :smiley:


Yannie, please do us a favour and stick to your initial forum!

Good shout Dani, how many of these guys do we have that only come here for 2 things:

  1. To have a go at the Argentinians.

  2. To have a go at Irnman.

Some who obviously came with this in mind have actually contributed quite a bit on other threads.

Its not big, and its not clever that every time a certain subject arises here or person posts here, a warning goes out on another forum which floods this one with more idiots.

sorry erwin you have not been feeling very well

the thing is erwin you must not start fights you cant win

you know what happened before

before you throw your teddies around

remeber the british miltary are no 1

Go away. :roll: