Where would we stand today without WW2 ?

well, after two world wars people are quick to claim that a minor conflict could errupt in world war. i remember in the build up to the invasion of iraq, some analysts were predicting the third world war. they thought that anti war countries were so against the invasion of iraq that they would attack britian, the us, and the other coalilition countries. yeh right.

If WW2 didnt happen the Greek civil war which followed straight after wouldnt have happened, which also meant America wouldnt have placed a facist power in Greece which also goes on that Greece would have fought against Turkey when they invaded Cyprus

Has Australia changed its flag?

These guys have some interesting designs, which one would you choose?


Hey just a quick answer to your question, yes Australia is changing their flag, considerably by the Australian Government 2006 by a flag designed by an Australian singer and Aussie Icon “John Williamson”

Has Australia changed its flag?

These guys have some interesting designs, which one would you choose?


Hey just a quick answer to your question, yes Australia is changing their flag, considerably by the Australian Government 2006 by a flag designed by an Australian singer and Aussie Icon “John Williamson”

Man thats a horrible flag.

is that flag a joke?

Australia’s flag is fine how it is, i like the Union Jack, and even though im not Anglo-Saxon i believe Australia should have the Union Jack as we ARE a Commonwealth country, the Southern Cross and the star in the bottom left part of the flag with a point representing each state and territory of Australia makes our flag one of the best flags in the world (in my opinion, and there wouldnt be many who would oppose)

I’ll go along with Minimalistix here, It seems to be a thought out flag rather than certain other countries’ rather strange examples.

There’s the Southern Cross to show the loc and night sky, the Union Flag which points to historical links and the start of development, then the Commonwealth Star which indicate the six states and three territories.
A fair mix of what the country stands for.

Some of the others I’ve seen look like the results of a psychedelic dream.

If it really does change it I’d prefer them to use the VB label.

i like flags that have meaning, like Greece’s for eg as well

Greece has the cross representing the Orthodox faith in Greece

the blue and white representing the land

and the 9 strips which represent 9 syllables from Eleftheria H Thanatos which means freedom or death

flags like the French and Italians should be changed so that it gives MEANING to its country not just 3 colours

and New Zealand should also change its flag, its identical too Australias except the stars are red and not white

New Zealand objects to their flag being copied by people who live on a desert island full of poisonous things and cane toads. Who are rubbish at rugby.

Edit: Oh, and as a serious point, the number of stars is different!

I wonder what Bas will reckon to that ?

What flag came first?

New Zealand objects to their flag being copied by people who live on a desert island full of poisonous things and cane toads. Who are rubbish at rugby.

well those sheep shagging islanders who cant compare our rugby might to theres copied us (we call them sheep shaggers because theres only 4 million new zealanders [people :stuck_out_tongue: ] but 22 million sheep in NZ)

To me, this is too much of an open question to be answered properly in one post on an internet forum.

What are we taking as the starting point of WW2? The invasion of Poland? The Anchluss? The German occupation of Czechoslovakia, or the re-occupation of the Rhineland or the Saar?

You could take any of these as a starting point for the war, and imagining any of them not happening gives history a completely different direction. What if Germany had taken the Rhine and Saar back, the Anchluss had happened and Czechoslovakia had been occupied, but Hitler had been satisfied with that and never invaded Poland? What if he had invaded Poland but Britain and France hadn’t declared war? What if none of it had happened, but the Soviets had invaded Poland from the east?

Too many variables to just ask the blanket ‘what if’ question, in my opinion.

New Zealand objects to their flag being copied by people who live on a desert island full of poisonous things and cane toads. Who are rubbish at rugby.

well those sheep shagging islanders who cant compare our rugby might to theres copied us (we call them sheep shaggers because theres only 4 million new zealanders [people :stuck_out_tongue: ] but 22 million sheep in NZ)[/quote]

Perhaps the distinction is that New Zealanders can use punctuation?

The flag i posted is being seriously thought by the Australian Government, Me personally and a huge mass of people i know want to get rid of the Union Jack, Australia has been ruled by the British TOO long and its time to become a proper independent country and not a British Lapdog. :twisted:

yeah well a few years ago everyone over 18 HAD to vote whether we wanted to be still British ruled or not, all the Anglo Saxons which makes up the majority of Australia voted to still be part of the Commonwealth, i know all the ‘wogs’ voted to be independant, so to bad, majority rules, we are still part of the Commonwealth, and as long as we are part of the Commonwealth we should have the Union Jack

They didn’t do anything else than declerating of war. Where prosmised bombing of the german industry? Where attack of French Army on the west border? One of the french generals (I don’t remeber wich one) wanted to attack Germany just after attack of Poland but he was stoped by politics who thougt that they can still stop war. Even if Britain and France hadn’t declared war, they soon would be attacked by Hitler. That’s my opinion.

Back to topic. Sooner or later the Second World War had to start. If not by the Germany then USSR would attack western democracy. Or maybe Mussolini would want “more” territories and attack France.

(My bold.)

I take it that the emboldened part is a wind up ?

I don’t know if this has already been said (too lazy to read through it, especially through the debate about flags or whatever), but without World War II, America and even Russia would not have become the major super powers they are today (or were), Judaism would be much more common, and man would not have gone to space in April 12,1961, but instead at a much, much later date.