Which rifle is the best of these three

I vote a fourth another: M1 Garand
very powerful rifle,my personal comment is the reload system of the gun maybe is not the best in some situation.

None of them.

It all comes down to the man shooting the rifle.

Or the SVT 40 the ideal chioce for me,half automatic&gas actuation

i think it will be Kar98

Kar98 … used one in yugo-war in 91, very accurate.

Yea I never understood that ‘Carcano’ style clip system. I mean we did have the BAR with a 20 round mag, so why not a 8 or 10 shot magazine?

And I do have a complaint with the M1 Carbine. The 15 round mag is so flimsy!

Oh, well I guess hind sight is aways 20/20.


i go for the Kar98 why lol ? it’s the only one i used from the three mentioned , i had the 8x57is version (hunting deer in northern germany) but it was very accurate, though awfull loud…

1903 by far, longer range and American made we pulled off some great shots with that rifle. the k 98 is my second favorite of the list, it was a very well made rifle.

I don`t know wich one is the best but the Kar98 is the most versatil. Until today this is a very reliable platform to make custom built rifle.
I had two of them in 7mm and 308. They are very strong and precise rifle.

Define versatile.
'03s were quite commonly seen as sporters, even through the 60s.

The 03A3 has the best sights of the 3.

There are a boat load more parts,literature and experience using Peter/Paul Mauser actions for custom guns than any other. Mauser was selling top grade hunting rifles in the 1920s competing against H&H, Purdey, etc. The Springfield was a modified Mauser action that the US government paid royalties to Mauser for the right to manufacture until 1909 I think. Read your history! There are more Mauser action rifles in the world than any other. Just about every caliber one can think off has been either factory offered or retrofitted onto a Mauser action. The 50s-60s saw more sporterizing than any other era, of course Springfields were present but not nearly as desired as a Mauser action. Again do your homework. Youll be surprised.

Mit fruendlichen Grusen,

Beyond being a firearm, Mauser had little in common with Purdy, or H&H, Manton etc. Mauser’s offerings were more aligned with the firearms manufactured in Belgium. Although this is just my opinion. :wink:

Isn’t it the mosin-nagant 1890?

1891, the 1930 may be a typo,perhaps meant to read 91/30 which is a later modification to the 1891. The Mosin-Nagant was produced in many variations, and by a few different Countries.

Oh, thanks

I have read a lot of history and owned several examples of each. Plus many others.

One reason for the use of mausers as sporters was the vast numbers in many configurations manufactured and available on the civilian market.
Many many more than Springfields. Hence more to modify.
I repeat that in military configuratin, the later 03s with peep sights were much more accurate. Same same the later Enfields.
A good many 03s met the customisers ax and I see little difference in quality or performance.
MNs are a bit up the chain from stone axes, but nothing I’d want as a personal weapon.
I realise 03s are not german, and therefore not holy relics, but I’d use one if I had to.

Damn, I think I commited a mistake in this poll…

Der Toten Kaiser

It is a rather limited poll anyway, just 3 rifles from the dozens used by the main combatants. No clarification either as to why and where each would be best, ie accuracy, reliability, ease of use etc


Originally Posted by forager
Define versatile.
'03s were quite commonly seen as sporters, even through the 60s.

The 03A3 has the best sights of the 3.

Listen pal not trying to get into a fight here but you asked the question “define versatile”.

I define versatile as Mauser over `03 hands down.
Live with it.

Mit fruendlichen grussen,