All the rifles in question are overpowered. The small differences in ballistics between .303 at the bottom of the range and 7.92 at the top of the range are irrelevant - they all possess more than you could ever need when fired from an infantry rifle. British ideal calibre tests came to the conclusion that a 7mm round of intermediate power (.280 British) was ideal.

You’ll note that most of the Western world is now using 5.56mm NATO, which is vastly less powerful than any of the cartridges in question. Also, DerMann, be very careful when discussing FPS. This was a mistake that our dear departed friend liked to make. Muzzle velocity on its own does not indicate the muzzle energy of a projectile. You have to also know the projectile weight.

Snipers using bolt rifles because they are more simple??? Snipers tend to be highly trained and thus the complexity of a weapon is not terribly relevant. They tend to use bolt action rifles because they are more accurate. In the case of WWII sniping rifles, both the German and Russian semi-auto sniping rifles had shorter barrels than their bolt action counterparts, leading to more noise, blast and flash.

K98 handsdown for myself, I like german rifles, what’s more to it?

Yes. You told us that yesterday too. :roll:

But do you have a reason for choosing the 98 ?

What makes the 98 specifically, or German wpns in general, better than others ?

If it’s because you like German wpns, what are it’s advantages over the '43 ?

With all due respect, if ballistics are the only redeeming factor I can’t see how it’s a real world comparison if the original question was “which rifle would you want to carry into battle in 1944 with 100 rounds.” Sniper use and other long -range squint 'n squeeze scenarios were very limited in occurance. The need for a quick follow up shot that the auto or semi-auto offers is what matters in real combat not speedy bullets.

Yes. You told us that yesterday too. :roll:

But do you have a reason for choosing the 98 ?

What makes the 98 specifically, or German wpns in general, better than others ?

If it’s because you like German wpns, what are it’s advantages over the '43 ?[/quote]

He dont need to have a reason for chosing k-98 if he like germans weapons so what, :stuck_out_tongue: and i like too.

Enfield or Grand is maybe better but we choose germans weapons.

My reason is i am shot only from K-98 , :roll:

Thank you Clauss

Clauss and Stalingrad, I understand that you like German weapons and that is why you chose the '98, but it still doesn’t answer my last two questions.

Is the reason for liking the German wpns just because of the national origin ?

I remember reading somewhere that most of the G43’s where constructed in forced labour camps, and would therefore be worthless because of the poor craftsmanship.

I like the K98 because it’s very rugged and dependable. A British friend of mine once told me that the only thing wrong with the K98 is that it was too “German” and too functional. Then he later went to tell me to fire a real gun, like the Lee-Enfield.

I like German weapons because they’re very well made (I am part German, but that has nothing to do with it :wink: ).

Either a m1 Garand or a No4 Mk1*.

Why? Simple really, that’s the winning side. Now, after D-Day who had less causalties, the Brittish or the US forces? That’ll be the deciding factor between the m1 and the No4.

All else is academic as infantry don’t get much choice in personal arms anyway.

In west front if i been in ww2 ,i choose german weapons becuse i am a german,i am not nationalist but i like weapons from my country,like you from yours. :wink:

In west front if i been in ww2 ,i choose german weapons becuse i am a german,i am not nationalist but i like weapons from my country,like you from yours. :wink:[/quote]

That’s incorrect Claus, if given the luxury to choose a weapon, the very last reason for my choice would be it’s national origin.

Anyway, we’ve established that you like the 98 purely because it’s German, but what are it’s advantages over the '43 ?

By the way, I see no harm in describing yourself as nationalistic, no harm whatsoever.
If other people try to twist that label towards more sinister political connotations then they’ve got a problem, not you mate.

In west front if i been in ww2 ,i choose german weapons becuse i am a german,i am not nationalist but i like weapons from my country,like you from yours. :wink:[/quote]

That’s incorrect Claus, if given the luxury to choose a weapon, the very last reason for my choice would be it’s national origin.

Anyway, we’ve established that you like the 98 purely because it’s German, but what are it’s advantages over the '43 ?[/quote]

If you ask me what i am choose betwean 43 and K-98 i will choose G-43,
why … becouse i think its best then you have 10 rounds in your clip,
then 5 ,i like K-98 so what do you think then i am a nazi or nacionalist becouse this.

I apologise for my english,if i dont write something correct.

In west front if i been in ww2 ,i choose german weapons becuse i am a german,i am not nationalist but i like weapons from my country,like you from yours. :wink:[/quote]

That’s incorrect Claus, if given the luxury to choose a weapon, the very last reason for my choice would be it’s national origin.

Anyway, we’ve established that you like the 98 purely because it’s German, but what are it’s advantages over the '43 ?

By the way, I see no harm in describing yourself as nationalistic, no harm whatsoever.
If other people try to twist that label towards more sinister political connotations then they’ve got a problem, not you mate.[/quote]

You are a dullard,he is Clauss,GO GERMANY!!!.

If you’d read on to the last part of my post you’d have seen that I don’t think you’re a nazi.
In fact I said that there is nothing wrong in describing yourself as a nationalist.

Personally I like the 98 too, that’s why I have a couple of them, but I also know that there are better weapons out there.

In west front if i been in ww2 ,i choose german weapons becuse i am a german,i am not nationalist but i like weapons from my country,like you from yours. :wink:[/quote]

That’s incorrect Claus, if given the luxury to choose a weapon, the very last reason for my choice would be it’s national origin.

Anyway, we’ve established that you like the 98 purely because it’s German, but what are it’s advantages over the '43 ?

By the way, I see no harm in describing yourself as nationalistic, no harm whatsoever.
If other people try to twist that label towards more sinister political connotations then they’ve got a problem, not you mate.[/quote]

You are a dullard,he is Clauss,GO GERMANY!!!.[/quote]

Oh dear, now the personal playground has been shut we seem to have to endure childishness here too…


If you’d read on to the last part of my post you’d have seen that I don’t think you’re a nazi.
In fact I said that there is nothing wrong in describing yourself as a nationalist.

Personally I like the 98 too, that’s why I have a couple of them, but I also know that there are better weapons out there.[/quote]

Ok soory i dont see last part from your post and i dont see it now maybe its some error,do you read my post when we start this i also said:,Maybe have better rifles then 98’ but i like it’’.

So no fighting and still friends. :wink:

In west front if i been in ww2 ,i choose german weapons becuse i am a german,i am not nationalist but i like weapons from my country,like you from yours. :wink:[/quote]

That’s incorrect Claus, if given the luxury to choose a weapon, the very last reason for my choice would be it’s national origin.

Anyway, we’ve established that you like the 98 purely because it’s German, but what are it’s advantages over the '43 ?

By the way, I see no harm in describing yourself as nationalistic, no harm whatsoever.
If other people try to twist that label towards more sinister political connotations then they’ve got a problem, not you mate.[/quote]

You are a dullard,he is Clauss,GO GERMANY!!!.[/quote]

Oh dear, now the personal playground has been shut we seem to have to endure childishness here too…



Re-edited by Dani.

Will you stop changing people’s posts in your quotes please? It’s just annoying and doesn’t prove anything.

Erwin, changing of the original posts quoted are no longer tolerated.

Admins and Mods are the only allowed to edit, re-edit and delete posts and threads (as you probably remember).

Yup, I agree with that. :wink: