White men can't jump!

Mate the White man can jump pretty high
New Russian olympic champion Andrey Silnov
Merely American whites are too lazy to jump- they have leaved all the jump-job for Black americans:)

Not in Canada it’s not.

Not down here. :smiley: http://www.theage.com.au/news/athletics/hooker-flies-to-gold-medal/2008/08/23/1219262545000.html

White women can jump, too. The lovely Tatiana was one of yours until she ‘defected’ to us, and we’re glad she did. http://www.tatiana.com.au/ Nice pictures here http://www.sports-wired.com/women/Tatiana_Grigorieva.html

It applies to all hispanics regardless of geographical birthplace.

Well I am not an expert but I think the laguage is not used race clasificacion. The fact than in Argentina we speak spanish dont mean that all the people in there is “hispanic”, and again I am not really sure if hispanic is a race.

Rarely we talk about race here.

Is there a Spanish word meaning ‘Banter’?

I dont know, maybe we call call it 32bravo.

Very good! Keep practising, you’ll get there.

What jolly banter! :smiley:

Nice to be appreciated by somebody. :slight_smile:

I have high hopes for One-nacker (Argies being such good jumpers, and all)! :slight_smile:

Would a semi-eunuch have an unfair weight advantage, and perhaps a greater clearance advantage if the left knacker was gone, in men’s high jump?

If so, what discount should be applied to ladies’ comparisons with mens’ records?

That might be considered a reasonable question if weren’t considering peanuts. :smiley:

However, it could still be legitimate question if it’s an armoured nut and, thus, a handicap? :frowning:

The handy cap worn by armoured nuts is called a beret.

The people who wear them are considered illegitimate by much of the rest of the army. :smiley:

Being ‘black’ berets, I imagine that they’re good jumpers also? :smiley:


It’s evolution at work. Fast twitch muscles assist survival when brewed up. :wink:

From that link: “Later when advocating that the Black Beret should be accepted officially, General Elles, in addition to explaining its advantages inside a Tank, added that, both in war and on manoeuvres, it was very convenient to sleep in.”

I never slept in mine.

It didn’t even cover all my head, so I don’t know how I was expected to get the rest of my body into it. :smiley:

Perhaps PK could advise you, although, I can’t see how it was a problem slipping in as it was an ‘Oily’ job? :slight_smile:

I think anyone would be able to fit into a beret in PK’s size, and park a car and caravan in there as well. :wink: :smiley:

RS thinks: [i]PK’s finger hovers over ‘Launch Strike’ button.

pdf27’s finger hovers over "Lock thread’ button.

RS and 32B agree to stop now, and all is well.[/i] :wink: :smiley:

never was that much of a conformist. :slight_smile:

If black berets are for oily jobs, would it be fiar to say that red ones are for cherry-picking, perhaps, and green ones are for tending the old cabbage patch? :slight_smile:

This has been noted in your paybook, and elsewhere. :wink:

Perhaps, but, if so, what are we to make of the function associated with the Aussie SAS sand coloured berets?

Ostriches with their heads buried in the sand?

Or perhaps just cherry pickers who don’t mind a bit of grit in the cabbage patch. :smiley:

Excuse me while I change my all-in-one conti-pad - supersize of course. :slight_smile:

At your age, you might mistake the moisture for the residue of affection and enjoy soaking in it. What you need is an audible alarm to alert your carers to your predicament in time to stop the rash. http://www.abc.net.au/tv/newinventors/txt/s2347020.htm :smiley:

EDIT: It just occurred to me that the link wasn’t for an audible alarm, so I viewed the video and I was right. I may be in need of care myself. :slight_smile: