Who from WW2 you would have liked to have met.

i think the number of plots to kill hitler is around 40 or so - and i agree with rising sun that killing hitler or had he been killed some other way would not have stopped the rise of the national socialist party in germany - hitler was a nobody before he fell into right hands. he was a terrible public speaker at first but the nazis trained him to be who he became - he was the chosen leader but if he is shot or killed (especially by someone not German) he would have been a martyr for the movement - i might even argue that the nazis may have won the war had hitler died on his way up or shortly after the war started simply because he made so many mistakes militarily (like engaging russia) and plenty others that cost the germans the war. if hitler was dead ww2 may have been even more horrible.

Maybe, but we tend to forget that Hitler wasn’t the only National Socialist in Germany, and there were other candidates. Most of whom were less antisemitic and senselessly racist, that may well have been more effective wartime leaders if slightly less belligerent ones…

He was a ONLY leader which peoples believed ans “loved”. See the DeuthceWolhenau.German women lost consciousness when Hitler spoke.
The “other candidates” has no a tiny of such popularity on people minds.
This excellent knew the German Abwehr (Beck, Oster and ets) who planned to eliminate Hitler since 1938.
After his death , they thought, only ARMY might take the controll in the country.
So they obviously knew- the Hitler was only the barirer to save the gErmany. (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/20_July_plot#Background)
Both the historians of Third reich that i’ve read: Beevor and Shirer agreed with this point
The fact , that NON of “other NS” candidate was involved into coup just proves- the Army didn’t trust to all of them and will never get the power to them.
Army just didn’t consider all of them as a serious candidate that worthwhile to co-operate.
Funny enought, but German generals were the MOST resonable peoples around Hitler who sertainly had a chance to save the GErmany.
Beevour wrote that Hitler often complained on its general - “they din’t wish to lead war” , the other famouse sentence of Adolf was “My generla never say me they are ready to attack”
If Military coup was succesfull later in 1942-43- there is no doubts, Army wouls stop the sensless war, that can’t be won…
So as i said , its so sorry that mr Herman didn’t killed him in 1939;)

hitler was a decorated military man before he rose to power with the help of the nazi party or more specifically the german workers party. but if he wasnt sent into the party to spy on them he would never have been known today. he was not an icon or “rockstar” until he learned how to speak and carry himself (with tons of coaching by other party members) - he rose to power on the backs of MANY others, and there were plenty of other “candidates” after ww1 that wanted revenge on the world. the nazis though were masters of propaganda and burning buildings and staging riots and blaming other candidates or groups for that and so on and so on. hitler was extremely influenced by the ppl he was spying on and after a while they saw in him a diamond in the rough sort of thing i think - his military record especially pleased his new friends because he could recruit other former vets into the party. and young impressionable unemployed men and women looked for hope which the party
promised. YES the ppl embraced and loved hitler himself, cheered his spirited speeches, and were brainwashed into loyalty and hatred, but there is a major difference between early hitler, (before he fell into the nazi crowd) and later - look at his early speeches and then look at the ones later and you see the practice and coaching that comes with all well polished politicians something he lacked greatly before.
and if hitler gets killed, by allies or from the inside (before or after the famous 20 july plot) by then the allies continue the war - its not like it just ends with hitler’s death - not unless they surrendered unconditionally immediately following the coup. berlin still falls to the russians and allies and the extermination of millions probably still takes place even if hitler isnt around to lead the party. antisemitism is rampant in germany and hitler wasnt the only one who felt betrayed after the surrender from ww1. to say that ww2 doesnt happen if hitler is not around is not true - maybe not the ww2 we remember but someone would have lead the nazis, someone else would have been able to grab the attention of the ppl so desperate for hope and so full of anger.

There’s a lot of bold on my screen at the moment lol, but about hitler, I would have to agree with Nick, there were other supporters and even if you killed Hitler before he became popular with Nazism, he might have someone else to succeed him or even someone else who figures out they hate Jewish people.

what he said.

There were actually extremist nationalist, fascist Germans of Jewish origin as the irony of the antisemitism was that most German Jews regarded themselves as Germans with a different religious background and were no more observantly Jewish than other fascists were observantly Christians. Some plotted to kill Hitler along with other ex-Nazi dissenters who thought Hitler wasn’t really a socialist and had hijacked the Nazi party as he was initially a police spy that became a true believer, but not in the founding ideology…

They were called the Black Front.

I seriously don’t think that the Hitler has rosed in party on “backs of others”.The facts prove otherwise, that Party was a small and unsignificant prior to Hitler,s entering.
The authors that i ve read, wrote that Hitler was outstanding member of Nazy party - he has really made it such popular among ppl.And he was a strong orator , even Goebbels who was bright orator himself , neer pretended at Hitler’s first place.
Adolf was a man who brought up Party to power, he forewer was Nazy number 1 for a Party.
It has been fair showed in excellent film “Hitler:rise of evil” by director C.Duguay
Sure it’s just a version. But fair version IMO, based on true historian books.

i understand what ure saying Chevan, but if it was such a small and insignificant party BEFORE him why was he sent to spy on them? why would anyone be concerned about such a benign organization? i just think we are underestimating the movement itself here - and if he dies prior to even us involvement in the war ESPECIALLY if assassinated or something sudden and unexpected - he, in death, strengthens the beliefs of the movement, thus ww2 logically still takes place, although maybe not as we remember it today. he was not the only german out there who disliked the way the first war ended and not the only german who could have lead that movement is my point.

McAuthur or Patton

Who would i like too meet during ww2 era?

Number one of course-Churchill.
The Hood (ship).
The Bismarck (Ship).
And of course the NUT head of ww2 Hitler! Sorry i have to meet him,just can’t pass up that oppertunity.

2.Yamamoto Isoroku
3.Great Grandfather, not the carpenter one, but one that may or may not have fought, but I think he did. died of cancer before my time.
6.Col.Tibbits (Captain of Enola Gay)
7.Mordekai? I forgot his name but the leader of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising

British Major-General Percy Hobart - a genius!

Actually, there I do have to agree. Hobart, and Gen. (not recall off hand if he was Brig.Gen) Sir Frederick Pile. Both Ex WW1 Royal Armoured Corps and Experimental Mechanised Force.

Regards, Uyraell.

I would have been honored if I could have met General Gavin. Afterall, two paratroopers under his command, as Division Head of the 82nd Airborne, were the first to liberate my hometown, albeit for only two days at that time.

Monty, for me, though his reputation suggests that he may be quite a challenging fella to hold a conversation with.

Met auther and tank commander Ken Tout OBE recently, amazing guy.


Albert Speer, the most controversial and interesting of all the Nazi leaders.

Hitler was not the only founder of Nationall Socialism, the ideas are much older than that. But truly he was the bios behind the DNSAP, and it’s later “successes”.