Who from your relatives was at war?

Could you post some pics of them. That would be nice to see. Welcome to the site. :smiley:

Finally thought to post in this thread.

I have the luxury of having had three grandfathers (two real and one step).

My maternal grandfather was in a reserved occupation building aircraft. He tried at one point to get himself sacked so that he could join up but unfortunately/fortunately his management saw right through him and kept employing him.

My paternal grandfather was a US Ranger who landed on D-Day at (I believe) Pointe-du-Hoc. The facts are not entirely clear due to my grandmother who told the whole family that he had died during the landings. In fact, he survived to return to his wife in Americaā€¦ I donā€™t really know exactly what happened and exactly what his service record was (any help from US members of this forum on where to find out would be greatly appreciated).

My step-grandfather (paternal) was in the Royal Army Ordnance Corps and served in Burma. I donā€™t really know what he did there, but I think the war was quite traumatic for him. He was never proud of his medals.

Unfortunately all my grandparents are now dead so I havenā€™t got the chance to ask them any questions about their service. I was still quite young when they died and WWII didnā€™t interest me back then, I wish now that I had asked them. :cry:

Edited for clarity.