Who hates Britain and the British?

Der…That was a joke, I knew I would draw someone in with that… :slight_smile:

But…I didn’t say “English Muffins” Are you saying you guys don’t make muffins on that side of the pond? :slight_smile:

English muffins are very different from their American cousins.

And I’m sorry to have to break it to you, but it is we Brits that drive on the corrrect side of the road, whilst you Yanks drive on the right side of the road!;):slight_smile:

Yes! Of course you did! :wink:

But…I didn’t say “English Muffins” Are you saying you guys don’t make muffins on that side of the pond? :slight_smile:

Of course we have ‘muffins’, but they in no way resemble those imposters of which you seem so proud. :slight_smile:

LOL…You guys just don’t get it…Where in MY post did I say ENGLISH MUFFINS? Nowhere, I didn’t say it…you guys said it…Duh!!! I said muffins and on top of that I said Fairly good, not great…not bad but okay. Admit it…you read my post and jumped to your own conclusion…LOL On the other hand our English muffins taste great!

Muffins are ok, but crumpets are better!:wink:


Having a sense of humor was hardly in the IRA’s “thinking”…

I’m so tempted to make a comment about crumpet and muff, but I won’t. :smiley:

Yes at your age it might not be a good idea!:roll:


I think you just did. :smiley:

I do not hate the British now but earlier in the 20th century and late 19th century and a few years after that I think the South Africans hated the British and the english speaking people here because of the Boer war, but it mostly came to the British Government being the assholes and not really the British public.

I just think that the UK government should get their own opinion and must stop doing almost everything the US Government is doing if it comes to who is the biggest enemy for the western world, and it will get more shiny up there.

This is why you’re a mod and I’m not, because your incisive perceptiveness outwits my clumsy cunning, about crumpet, muff, and other stuff. :smiley:

What’s your definition of South Africans?

South Africa became a British dominion in 1910, and remained so for decades after that.

Do you mean that Boers, as distinct from South Africans, hated the British, while living in a British dominion protected by British military and political power, including sending forces to fight for Britain in WWII?

Just on the anti-British sentiment by South Africans, where does Sailor Malan fit into this as a Battle of Britain leader and post war as the Torch Commando leader, where he opposed the dominant narrow minded Boers?

Here I found the ultimate Britain hater …and is not even a foreigner :shock:

Proud to be British?

If you are, you shouldn’t be.

For all the British people on here, I have to ask if you are proud of this **** HOLE , why !? Sure, the history of this nation is rich and full of victory … we were the most powerful nation on the planet… but look at us now.

There’s scum filling the streets, and there’s going to be more foreigners than freakin’ British soon. But that doesn’t matter because 90% of the British are scumbags anyway living off yours, or your parents tax money. The “Chav” bastards that roam around my town are growing ever larger in number, and this country just accepts it like it’s freakin’ normal! Yet they cause grief for anyone that doesn’t look like a complete ****in’ moron, like they do. In five days I’ve had two incidents of these ****ing idiots starting fights on me … because I’m a “sweaty” (That’s **** FACE slang for a rocker) . Yet nothing gets done, the number grows … the number grows and my patience slips away. How I would love to see those bastards slaughtered by the hundreds.

What does this country do that should make any Brit proud !? We ****in’ sit here like a bunch of pompous twats insulting and abusing every nation on the planet. Well look at yourselves ! Your military is a ****in’ shambles. Your government is a crooked piece of ****. Your money goes to waste on all sorts of bollocks. You appease every other ****er in the world. The country doesn’t look after you, but it charges you for living here with some of the highest tax rates on the planet.

What makes America so bad!? All the British assholes abusing America just piss me off. “They’re loud mouth” - Yeah, like most ****in’ British **** faces … shouting down the shits about “Eng-a-land” ENG-A-LAND !? Where the **** does the second A come from !? Britain has no right to call anyone loud mouth.

America gets involved in everything - No they ****ing don’t, and when they do at least they have the guts. All Britain does is shout about football … and abuse America … ranting on about how we didn’t need America to win the war. Yah, we ****in’ did. I get told all the time about how people hate the Yanks … well NEWS - ****ING - FLASH BRITAIN , they’re much better people than you are ! Just like most of the ****ing world are much better than you are. Tell me America thinks it’s so big … well, that’s because they ARE. Much bigger than Britain … ! I’m pissed off with people saying “I’d like to see an American fight in Britain, we’d just smash them with our keys …” It’s not something to be proud of that you’d use any weapon to injure this person. And talking about fighting doesn’t make you hard ! It makes you a ****in’ idiot.

Where’s ****in’ God when you need him !? We all know the story of Noah’s Ark , well do it to Britain. Wash the scum into the North Sea - and watch 'em ****ing drown. Or America - just nuke Britain into ash.

The whole ****ing nation is one big **** hole. Every Brit should be ASHAMED of being British ! THe few decent people in this country know full well it’s a **** hole , and probably wish they were somewhere else.

I’m ****ing ashamed to British. I hate this place more than I hate anywhere else. Everyone on this forum from any other country has no clue about how crap this place is. All that stereotype of pompous upper-class totty is bollocks. The British are a bunch of low-grade, up their own arses, monkey faced jackasses with nothing better to do with their time than add syllables to words and drink piss water as beer, get drunk and shout about football and fight. It’s a ****ING **** HOLE !

I am pretty sure many people in here would like to add some comments to this guy so you better go at its original topic:


What are Chavs?

Chav = Council House And Violent, where a council house is low cost housing subsidised by the state (rented from and owned by the local council).

Chavs are also big on Bling, and are particularly prone ot using the ‘F’ word as a substitute for an exclamation mark. :slight_smile:

Is Ali-G a Chav?

Ok first of founded by the Dutch in 1652 and then Britain cam along and took if for them and then the Boer people had the great trek (move) where they moved to the north of South Africa and created their own to Republics named Vrystaat and Transvaal. The British then started a war wish lasted from 1899 till 1902 where the Boer army fought the British forces like nothing seen before from such a small nation and then after the war in 1910 we became a dominion like yourself and thus remained for that until 1961 when we became a Republic.

Ok the UK did not actually do much here except for taking out all the diamonds and gold and steel for their country and everything else they wanted. The military power, I think the South African army got a phew equipment from them yes. There were not a lot of the real Boer people that went to fight in WW1 and 2 because of the hatred of what happened during the Anglo Boer war, but yes there were some that did go.

Do you maybe mean Jan Smuts?

Do you smoke something funny or do you just not know what you are talking about? He was for the Boer Culture and for the Boer nation and did a lot of stuff for the Boer people like the National flag, the Voortreker Monument for the Great Trek and a lot of other stuff that brought back the culture of the people who thought everything was lost after the Anglo Boer war where they lost their houses, wifes, men and children.

Do your self a favore mate and read up more about the Anglo Boer war and you would see that the Boers were not so “narrow minded” as you might think.

A borderline case - but I can’t say for certain as I’ve never watched his show. As I understand it, his humour his directed towards young, Black-British males.