Who is better Patton or Rommel?

They never met in battle. Rommel had returned to Germany before Patton took command in North Africa, and Rommel had been wounded by allied fighters before Patton took command of 3rd army in France

rommel becuse hes a great leader he won most of his battles.

Patton may have been a competent general, but he should have been cashiered when he slapped and kicked that soldier who was recovering from malaria in hospital. (He had slapped another soldier a week or so earlier) Could you imagine Rommel doing that!

What would have happened if either of those soldiers had punched his lights out?

How about this Patton and Rommell both speak english so they sit down for teas and biscuits but before they eat patton gets down on his knees and prays “Dear heavanly Father allow me to kick this sunavabitch on all fronts” and he sits back up and says 'I am sorry herr Rommel I dont like tea how about coffe.

Sorry for the off-topic comment but…

In cyber lingo, could he be considered a Troll?

Someone’s feelings have been hurt…

But Rommel had a very hard time with the australian unit, much smaller out numberd and with obsolite eqiutment too Rommels power house Germans.
But for a moment he lost a battle but regain it later.Cheers

for me rommel , he did a miracle in Africa as long as he can before being pressured by americans and english troops and he did all he can in France i think .

I’d have to give the edge to Rommel. He had to work for the fanatic Hitler but was able to pull out great victories in the desert. Plus, there were many times where he was in the thick of the battle himself, he was right on the spot to make the critical decisions.

Rommel, I would have sooner served under him.

definately Patton, he wasn’t forced to commit suicide for “conspiring against der fuerher”.

Patton slapped a soldier who was sitting on bed crying in a tent full of wounded men and who when asked what was wrong with him responded “I guess I can’t take it.” It was not until afterwards that they learned the Pvt. Kuhl (the soldier in question) was suffering from malaria. When Patton learned Kuhl had malaria he had him brought to his tent and apologized, before he was ordered to, for the inncedent saying he didn’t know how sick he was. That was by Kuhl’s own account; also Kuhl claimed that Patton was a great General after the war when questioned about it.

The first soldier in question was a Pvt. Paul G. Bennet who was found in a similar state and was the one that said “It’s my nerves; I can’t stand the shelling anymore.” According to the medical officer the berating by Patton was the best thing that could have happened to the boy and he was discharged from the hospital in less than a week, perfectly normal and well.

Finally this took place at a time when soldiers accused of cowardice were still executed occasionally so a slapping wasn’t very severe. Back then more than that was done to soldiers in boot camp. The whole ‘incident’ was simply radio broadcaster Drew Pearson’s attempt at creating a story

What aspect of both Generals are we looking at here? Rommel was excellent at finding and exposing his enemies’ weaknesses in the field and exploiting them but he rarely grasped the overall situation. He was nearly cut off in the invasion of France by over exposing his flanks to the Allies and not securing his rear areas. In North Africa he was constantly out running his supply lines and leaving his troops exposed in advanced positions. Finally he clashed with Kesselring in Italy because he felt that the best way to stop the allied advance was to pull all the Axis forces into Northern Italy instead of the very successful delaying actions that Kesselring fought all the way up the length of Italy. No doubt Rommel’s ability to find his opponents weak spots were the reason he was constantly over exposed but a great General is not only good at tactics but also at overall strategy. For that reason if we are discussing which General was better I would have to say Patton but if we just look at the tactical aspect I would say Rommel was on the same footing if not slightly better.

True I have read Iron Cross a Rommel bio and he is good a Napoleon and Lee also I am reading General Patton the best bio on Patton out there and I have to say he was quite a general and quite a man.

Absolutely Rommel with a much more little army and resources he used the chances that he had unlike Hitler did and won some great battles .