Who is this?

See also HRH Prince Michael of Kent…

Got a pic?

Got a pic?[/quote]

Wow, and they say cloning is a recent thing!

So those moustaches are all related? What about the people whose faces they live on?

Yes beards were big in imperial times, a big Bush never went wrong then.

Regarding Mountbatten you should check out his war career:


Had a grand time with his destroyer HMS Kelly until it was sunk beneath him.

Responsible for pushing through the disasterous raid on Dieppe.

Made Supreme Allied Commander in SE Asia.

After the war was the last Viceroy of Idia and oversaw the independence gained by India and Pakistan.

Tragically was murdered along with 3 others by the IRA in 1979 whilst sailing a small boat in N.Ireland.

Certainly led a full if not chequered life!

Edited for spelling.

He certainly did, but a lot of people thought he was an idiot and gained his promotions for who he was and not the results he got. Stil that happens all the time I suppose.

I think that he probably made a better supreme commander and flottilla commander, than he did a high-level operational commander. It seems strange that men can be good at two highly different jobs yet make a mess of positions in between.

I note that rarely amonst the nobilty he made it so that his title could pass down the female line as well as the male, I always find it odd that this applied to the very oldest Earldoms but was stopped round about the thirteenth century so that many more recent titles have died out while ancient Saxon titles survive.

Continuing the ideea of “Who is this?”, I post a picture found in Russian archives (without any indication about location/time).

Could anybody tell who is the British officer?

Firefly, Crab to be, I hope you’re not taking the michael with our employer’s family, i don’t think betty would be amused. :smiley:

Not at all

Heil to the Royal Family

Did you know that Queen Victoria spoke with a German accent?

Captain Darling ‘…I’m as English as Queen Victoria’
Captain Blackadder ‘So you’re Mother’s a German, you’re half German and you married a German? Baldrick, the cocker-spaniel please!’

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

edited for mongness


There are french helmets in the background, as well as British soldiers. Go left at the height of the German Officers wings, to the man lying down with no helmet. The man above facing back is wearing a helment with a ridge across it, in the french style. As is the guy he is looking towards.

There is no damage to the French type houses to the rear, Dunkirk was heavily hammered. So it is somewhere else on the coast, i would guess. It appears to be a fishing type village.

Anyone know of any pockets of resistance to the East of Dunkirk where men may have been cut off?

Pure speculation…

but possibly calais or east of it.

They would have been cut off and may have been forced to quit due to lack of equipment and stores, rather than fight toward Dunkirk, as many other units had to do.

There was fighting in Calais, so the buildings would have been damaged so it probably isn’t Calais.

I thought the Channel Isles at first (practically no weapons fireing at all and no fighting at all) but the presence of French helmets sort of cancels that out.

His rank appears to be General, his capbadge looks like crossed batons/baton and sword. So that shortens the list. There can’ tbe than many generals captured.

Haven’t been able to find a listing of any officers of that rank captured.

1st Armoured and 51st Highland Divisions were active in France after Dunkirk. I think 1st Armoured managed to evacuate unopposed but 51st Highland had to surneder (at least in part) though it later reformed. So if we think that these soldiers are not at Dunkirk then 51st Highland would be my bet.

Thanks Canaris!

German General Erwin Rommel was bearing down on the British Army’s 51st Highland Division at St. Valérie on the Channel coast near Dieppe

The General of the Highlanders, General V.M. Fortune, told[…]

So should be Major-General V.M. Fortune.

I’ll try to search another picture of that general.

No chance to be Sir Victor Morven Fortune KBE, CB, DSO.

http://www.unithistories.com/officers/Army_officers_F01.html (fourth one)

Meantime I found an OOB of the 51st Highland Division
Officer commanding the divisional artillery : Brigadier H.C.H EDEN
153rd Brigade (Brigadier George Talbot BURNEY)

Back to search.

154th Brigade (Brigadier Arthur Christopher Lancelot STANLEY-CLARKE) wasn’t captured according to http://www.theblackwatch.de/General/side_map.htm

2nd edit: 152nd Brigade (Brigadier Herbert William Vansittart STEWART) wasn’t captured according to http://generals.dk/general/Stewart/Herbert_William_Vansittart/Great_Britain.html