Who started WW2?

I’ve seen this topic extensively discussed on a couple of the history sites I visit and it pretty much comes down to the fact that the Allies after WW 1 sought to punish and exploit Germany for its role in the war stripping her of her little remaining wealth in a pay-back attitude. With economy and contions all turned to crap it was a lot easier for Hitler to peddle his bullcrap and for people to eat it up since they had a “nothing to lose” attitude.

He was the one who was there when Germany turned around. He practically eliminated unemployment, and managed to push Germany forwards.

On the flipside he did kill jews, gays, gypsies, people he didn’t like, mentally and physically handicapped people and pretty much anyone else who took his fancy.

1000ydstare I agree with oy on that one. It is the same with George Bush. Why, he attacked Afganistan for the Twin Towers and topeld Sadam, but look at the f***up in the middel east right now. Now that Sadam is away Iran is the new threat becasue Sadam was the enemy of Iran.

So what I am saying is that a leader can do great things but will mostly be remberd for the bad things.


The difference, of course, being that Iran is a country which has on several occasions threatened to annihilate one of its neighbours… but don’t let that get in the way of a simplistic anti-bush rant.

I must say that Iran was a way bigger threat than Iraq. Bush was stupid.


Take it to off Topic, I will delete any counterposts here about non-ww2.

I am sorry Firefly.


I find it very interesting that all of you chose to ignore ANY of Germany’s pre-20th century history. From the Polish perspective, the 1939 agression was nothing new. Germany was ALWAYS an extermely agressive neighbor to just about everybody. In 1000 years of coexistence, there was only about 300 years of peace between Poland and Germany. By contrast, the longest peaceful coexistence in the world between neighbors was recorded between Poland and Hungary (well, at least without an open war; there were some minor hostilities). So, the fact that Germany would attack their neighbors was just a matter of time and timing.
In my opinion, the only reason there was over 60 years of peace since 1945 (little more than an eyeblink in the context of the previous 1000 years) around Germany were 2 facts 1) Soviets kept everybody at bay in Eastern Europe, 2) Germany DID suffer a crushing defeat in WW2.
Sooo, it was the fact that Germany was (is) Germany, that caused WW2. Or, from the perspective of recent events, democracy. After all, Germans freely elected Hitler, right ?

One man, one vote, once?

Well they did not actualy vote for him democraticaly!


Can you expand on that Henk as I thought they did. Althought the share of the vote was actually down for the Nazis in the election from the previous one I still believe they were the majority Party?

In the general election of September 1930, the Nazis won 6.5 million votes, took 107 seats in the Reichstag and became the second largest party in the country. The Communists obtained 4.5 million votes and 77 seats. Although the Social Democrats remained the largest party, it had lost much popularity and support.

Since the Republican coalition (the Social Democrats, Catholic Centrists, Democrats) could not command a majority in the Reichstag. Dr. Bruning (a member of the Catholic Centre Party), the Chancellor from 1930 to 1932, could only rule by issuing emergency decrees. His unconstitutional and undemocratic rule made his government increasingly unpopular. The unpopularity of the government was shown in the presidential election of April 1932. The Republican coalition put forward Hindenburg. He was re-elected with nineteen million votes. But Hitler, who also entered himself for election, won thirteen and a half million votes. So it may not be far from truth by saying that at least 40% of the German people were more willing to support Hitler than the Republican government.


I think you’ll find they did:


Nazi Party (NSDAP) 43.9%
Social Democratic Party (SPD) 18.3%
Communist Party of Germany (KPD) 12.3%
Centre Party (Catholic) 11.2%
DNVP (Conservatives) 8.0%
Bavarian People’s Party (BVP) 2.7%
German Democratic Party (DDP) 0.9%
All Others 2.7%
Totals 100.0%

Note that the current British government only polled 36%, 7.9 percentage points behind what the Nazis polled in 1933… it’s official, guys – Adolf Hitler was more popular than Tony Blair!

Wait a minut guys. They did vote for Hitler but it was not to my opinion fair. Yes Hitler did win but how did he get the voters to do so is what I mean.


Well as the Weimar Republic was a Democratic one. How do you think the Nazis got the most votes?

The propeganda and the crushing the other partys who Hitler did not like.


The other parties were out to do the same to the Nazis.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: it is all politics, they all are the same, they all lie, cheat and have their own interists at heart, power.


I agree. But how do you think Hitler came to power?

Yep, he did the same thing all of them does.



What do you think was the main pushing factor in Post WW1 Germany that led to the Nazis gaining power in 1933?