Why did the Soviet Army not design, build and use Armored Personnel Carriers?

Or maybe both:

He He he
Thank you RS and Nick
Actualy this man don’t even look like a pole.
All poles that i meeted here are very reasonable, intelligent and calm peoples ( even my friend Kovalsky hold himself very excellent when i tryed to irritate him , beeing pissed by his rusophobia:))
This “example” not just wrong write but even can’t a read in english.
Do not wish to waste a time for him.

I´ve found this, a Soviet wartime half track prototype, supposed to be called B-5. (Any details will be appreciated).

(Regarding Soviet minefield tactics: The Soviets are supposed to have said that they found out that de-mining by sappers under enemy fire and just running through gave the same amount of casualties, but the former took much longer. -free from Crusade in Europe, Eisenhower)


looks uncannily like Sd.Kfz 251.

With better off-road capability tyres.