Why German intelligence agencies weren't good in the UK?

the luftwaffe was run by a morphine addicted art-stealing fashion-designing idiot named Hermann Goering.


If I interpret that right - you might be hinting that he was not flawless role model - saint of the era - salvager of the airforce :wink:

You don’t happen to have any more characterizations? (Or maybe there should be a thread for this?)

“wonder weapons” stuff. Much of the late war stuff - particularly aircraft - looked very futuristic and on paper at least promised huge performance. The problem is that the reality was a long way off and when many of these designs were tried postwar they turned out to be universally rubbish.

But it was wartime, and germans were under a lot of stress. You don’t think for example US plans and financing to train bats to drop bombs or pigeon-guided missiles were “wonder weapon” - styled projects ;-D and US weren’t about to lose the war and in need of desperate miracles.

All sides had a lot of pointless projects. If the result of the war had been reversed, we’d be laughing US and UK projects now and poking around their archives.

Allied had time to develope and test everything from bats to aircrafts, and if one of those projects was success - I wouldn’t call that completely success either.

Germans had to use poorer and poorer raw materials which resulted poor components, which made even the good projects pretty difficult to test and estimate true value of new ideas and plans.

While I have no evidence that this situation extends out of the aero engineering world to the rest of the economy, I strongly suspect it does. Situations like this rarely develop independently, but rather as part of a national climate of self-deception.

And from bat bombers we can end up concluding that US national climate was…? ;-D