Why Hitler lost WW2.

Once again, what makes you think so? However I get the impression that the few germans on the forum were much more attentive than you learning english grammar at school…

well hitler is a moron cause he lost…but ive been interested in german soilders 4 a long time…i think there more better lookin…i hav nothin against germans so im not ganna get nastie with u…i know my english is bad.

OK, aly j, sorry for feeling prematurely offended. it was early in the morning!

Everyone’s a fashion critic:D. Although I like the german uniforms also, thank god that it didn’t come down to dress on who would win the war;).

When Britain declared War on Germany, Moscow asked British Communists to sabotage British war industries. When Germany invaded France his Panzers were using Russian fuel and even as Germany invaded Russia, trains were leaving Russia for Germany with vital War supplies. All that said, given the nature of the Nazi regime and its desire to acquire “Lebensraum” in the East, it was only a matter of time before the Third Reich invaded the Soviet Union. As for Hitler being Stalin’s ally and then attacking Russia, your comment re same might suggest that you would believe that Hitler would feel obliged to honour international treaties and agreements he had made, if that is the case you would be wrong. If you are instead making the point that Russia was more useful as an ally than attacking her, that is a more finely balanced question in that whilst Russia was indeed a useful ally to the Third Reich, the Reich had considerably more to gain by occupying the USSR than trading with her as sovereign state provided of course that the War went well and the Reich could defeat the USSR in a short and decisive campaign, which it nearly succeeded in dong but didn’t. As for Hitler being a Moron, most people who are morons can not get several millions of people to follow them etc, etc. Hitler also succeeded in running rings round some very clever people, e.g. it suits a lot of people to see Neville Chamberlain as either an idiot or a craven appeaser in fact he was neither in that e.g. if it was not for the Hurricane and Spitfire fighters which were the products of the Chamberlain administration, Churchill for all his bravery and skill would have had nothing to fight the battle of Britain with. Furthermore whilst the decision not to contest Hitler’s annexation of the Sudetenland was with 20/20 hindsight in my opinion likely a wrong one, Chamberlain did not have 20/20 hindsight and in War anything can happen, as one can see how France imploded after suffering a defeat at the hands of the invading German armies and therefor I can not criticize Chamberlain for not going to War over Hitler’s demands on Czechoslovakia. As for your comments about Germans, a television reporter from a foreign country was interviewing a officer from the post World War 2 West German Army and asked him the question.

“Do you not feel uncomfortable as a German to have your profession as being a soldier after what happened in World War 2”

and he answered

“Well the people who liberated the concentration camps, they were solders too”

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

The Italian officers uninforms looked pretty good and the British paratroops camo gear I think look pretty good too!

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

thats ok…
all is well …what happen 2 steve…i saw on the other posts

how old r u?u sound very mature

Not very old, not very young either. :slight_smile:

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

i hav 2 take ur word 4 it
cause i dont think ive seen there unifroms
us girls do lik men in unifroms
and i cant help it if the german had better
lookin unifroms

German uniforms only began to “look cool” after about 1942. When they adopted a more utilitarian loose fitting camo and field gray pants…

Apparently, our little back-and-forth has lit a fire under this forum’s topic, but its seems to be spreading in multiple, spurious directions. So, I’ll try to at least get it back on track and address your last comment to me.

From my vantage point, it appeared that you were beginning to rationalize Hitler’s actions. Whether my impression is right or wrong about your intent (there’s that word, again), this is a very dangerous thing to do, regardless. In Hitler’s case, his means justified his end which was ultimate power and control ie:to beome a god. The first man to try that was Adam, and look where that got us.

As for my beliefs; yes, I am a Christian, my Lord and Saviour is Jesus Christ. And He speaks to men through the Bible (it’s not called God’s Word for nothing). And yes, some passages stand alone, and some absolutely must be taken in context in order to understand their true meaning. That said, there’s more wisdom in Scripture than any one man can find in a thousand lifetimes. End of sermonette.

On a personal note, I hope you take my comments in context, and that I did not offend you in any way. If I did offend you, I hereby publically apologize. I can get a little fired up at times. It is good to converse with you, even if we may disagree. You are obviously knowledgeable and articulate, and make your points well. I look forward to your continuing input. Thank you.

To be honest, I didn’t know that the germans used camo until looking around the site. Amazing the things I’ve learned :D! You’re definitely right, they had some great camo uniforms.

Aaahhh, Nick, come on…:

german unifrom look cool at the start of the war

Hi Kent, if you are suggesting I was seeking to rationalize Hitler’s actions, you would be right in the sense, I was seeking to put myself in his place with his beliefs and what would I do. Now that does not mean in any sense I would be agreeing with what he did, I am merely trying to understand as best I can why he did what he did. Unfortunately as things developed in the thread there was not a convenient place for me to say, “I believe that Hitler was a mass murdering psychopath” but that is my position and I apologise to anybody, that might have had difficultly understanding where I was coming from, as in an ideal world I would probably have stated that, from the get go of the thread. Since in my view Hitler was not God, whether he may have felt himself to be a God or not and I don’t believe he did, but even if he felt himself to be God, he could not do a whole lot as one man, and frankly I do not think anything I have said in the thread would encourage anybody to become a foaming at the mouth NeoNazi which is the only danger I can see, so if it was not that you were refering to, I would be genuinely interested to know what you are talking about when you write

“this is a very dangerous thing to do, regardless.”

as I really [ and I am not being sarcastic ] would not have a clue, what you are refering to when you speak of actions and danger.

Now in so far as I can see what you are proposing, is that there is some sort of major similarity between Adam and Hitler. Firstly I do not believe that there was an Adam and Eve in a Garden of Eden but taking the story as if it were true, then. Adam took a bite of an apple and he gained knowledge, well one could argue that he was disobedient in not obeying God’s command, but even accepting that would be a wrong action and I think it is debateable whether Adam was wrong in eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge and not obeying God’s instruction, I think takeing a bite out an apple that you were told not to and sending pregnant Women to gas chambers is in quite a different order of the scale things even if one might assume they were both wrong doing, and I would argue that making such a comparison with Hitler and Adam is inherently dangerous as it seems to suggest an assumption of such a level of original sin on the part of mankind and/or the legitimization of anti-knowledge based zealotry to the level, that would justify all sorts of religious fanaticism.

Well I have no problems with people who are religious and it is fair enough that you are open about your faith.

Well there was nothing there that offended me or would have cause to give me offence, so logically I was not offended, as for being fired up, well no harm in that either.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

LOL Yes for sure they had some pretty nice uniforms, the black SS uniform was particularly attractive from a fashion point of view.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

PS Is there any possibility to start a new thread on WW2 Military from a fashion design point of view, as on the one hand people seem interested in it, whilst at the same time, it has not got a lot to do with
“Why Hitler Lost World War 2”

That would be dumb and anyways Hitler thought it would be cool to climb a 5,000 foot tall mountain to place the swaztika on the top while his boys were being slughterd at stalingrad.


Would you mind elaborating a little more on your post, don’t quite get it. (i get the video)

Well in this be fricking huge world war 2 book I have it sais that hitler orderd a mountain divsion to climb a 5,000 ft high mountain in the caucas to put the swaztika banner on top.