Why is it....

What’s a wah ?

Unfortunately with at least two major revisions of the history books over the last twenty (?) years, they are in general not taught about the countless atrocities.

I find these historical revisionists horrifying, they are moving into Göbbels territory with “the oft repeated lie will eventually be accepted as truth.”

Further to the atrocities discussion, not all scars are visible to the naked eye. Some people suffer years of anguish and internal torment from the things they have seen and had done to them - just read this:


Sixty years of not being able to face the world - it puts one’s own minor problems into perspective.

Ummmm, moderaters there’s a page missing why?

Page 2 now has appeared must be my scabby PC. sorry.

Cuts thanks for the wah you b@stard. :smiley: havent been watching the link between the two closly enough to realise.

Firefly your comments about the “comfort girls” are so true. We cant imagine what these poor women have gone through when they were young. But the Japs don’t really give a monkeys do they? It does go with what they (the japs) treat the war though doesn’t it?

Student-scaley didnt realise you were a true blue so have to say sorry again! I’ve always been on the thtat side of politics myself but you dont know how hard it is to vote here in Wales. Any vote for the Conservatives is peeing in the wind where I live.

Don’t know how many of you are in civvie street but one thing I am concerned about is the fact that I feel I have to look over my shoulder when talking about things un-pc. One of my collegues (a bird) has been reprimanded for speaking her mind. She is to the right of Gengis Khan and feels it hard to keep her gob shut but this is WRONG. We are all different despite what Monty Python says :smiley: .

is there a way back do you think?

As for the voting in Wales thing I actually have a fair idea of what you’re talking about, i sympathise deeply on that count. My Grandfather was a councillor in a south welsh coast town for a long time, he started of conservative but got so frustrated he became independent and ending up becoming Mayor twice. I think the whole situation there is a hang up from the old trade union days when there actually was a coal mining industry there.

With regard to un-pcness i too have had problems. In my first year in halls I had a British flag proudly displayed in my window, i was asked to take it down as it offended other nationalities, in my own feckin’ country?!?! However, it was perfectly alright for a bloke to display his Nigerian flag as ‘‘he was expressing his background/diversity/ethnicity’’ utter rubbish.

Is there a way back? Maybe that depends if you’re up for a coup.

Well where I am currently based there is no chance of either Labour/Tories or LibDem being elected. You can guess what that leaves, yes the Shortbread Brigade - death to them all!

Is there a way back, I’d say no. But I have come to firmly believe that no matter what Party is or will be in charge, there will be absolutely no diffrence to the way they act or the policies they will carry out. Im afraid we entered the world of bland politics some time ago and cant honestly see it changing no matter who is in charge.

If there’s a coup I don’t want to be in charge - just make me Minister for Internal Stability.

I like stability.