World War related bickering

How come what?

Yup. True.

Yup. So?

Are you trying to make a point of some kind? Guess not.

Bullhockey. I have never posted a lie in a forum, any forum. You’re spouting diarea.[/quote]

IRONMAN I promised you a week or so ago that will be no more informal warning from me. I break my word and I give you one more. Also it is one of your last chances to calm down and stop insulting others.[/quote][/quote]

I don’t take well to being accused of lying. I might post something in error, POSSIBLY. But lie? Never.


BTW Dani, perhaps you should be warning the others when they call me a c*nt and such. There’s been a lot of that. I’ve done the least of it compared to a few others here. So I’d appreciate it if when someone says I am posyting lies (which I have never done and would consider dispicable) that you don’t jump me about saying they are full of crap in a less than fully explicit way. Perhaps instead you should admonish them foe calling me a “vagina” and such instead.

EXACTLY. The US made a significant contribution to WWI. Why do you claim it was insignificant when it wasn’t? It’s really offensive and all. You know, like if Britain contributed 1 million men and millions of dollars in assistance to a war the US was fighting in North America which considerably helped bring an end to the war, and then some American said,

“What’s significant about that? Bla bla bla!”

Surely you can see how offensive and worthless such comments would be. So why do you do it? You really should stop.

I am not a news service.

And you believe that.

That’s sad. I’ve seen a number of US solders on TV with one leg saying, “If I could go back and serve with my guys, I’d do it all over again.”

Well, you admitted it was a liberal publication. Don’t be mad at me for your love of slanted media.

Bullhockey. I have never posted a lie in a forum, any forum. You’re spouting diarea.[/quote]

You posted the following statement:


That’s not a lie. That’s a mistake, which I even acknowledged later. There is a big, big difference.

Now listen up kiddo. You are being an ofensive. Read my above comment.

You are insulting me, Dani. Don’t be a hypocrite. You just called me ignorant out of your emotional state. Get yourself together. You are being hypocritical. You biotch at me for something less offensive, then call me “breathtakingly ignorant”.


Well, now that you Thug Gangers have turned yet one more thread into a “Let’s biotch about something American.”, and the name of the thread was changed when it should have been forced to remain on topic ( :roll: )
I think it’s dead.

BYE BYE now.

Damn you whoremuffin! IRONMAN do you think you could just take your time and write your novel instead of making 6 consecutive posts in a row. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Do you refuse to read anything I post? This was split from a different topic, so that the original discussion could continue unimpeded whilst this discussion can also progress. I even annotated the top and bottom of the split thread with this.

Also, please learn the difference between ‘this paragraph contains two factual errors which I am pointing out in order for you to correct them’ and ‘the US is the worst country ever, their contribution to either world war was nil and I go pissing on graves ever July 4 at Arlington’. A little more grace would allow discussions to break out as arguments briefly subside.

  1. Funnily enough, I’m not Dani - he’s more than welcome to flame you himself without setting up another account to do it in my name.
  2. I called you ignorant because the number of British and French troops involved in both world wars is one of the simplest, most basic facts about these wars, along with the reason both countries entered the war. Being unaware of these very simple facts would IMHO indeed justify calling you ignorant.

IRONMAN, speaking about your post I figure that it is useless so start answering you. Anyway you will deny any other argumentation except your twisted one.

And speaking of your confusion between pdf27 and me, I am glad to see that you are starting to be obsessed by me. :wink: :wink:

Bullhockey. I have never posted a lie in a forum, any forum. You’re spouting diarea.[/quote]

You posted the following statement:


That’s not a lie. That’s a mistake, which I even acknowledged later. There is a big, big difference.
Perhaps you’d like to correct the original post then. We all look bad if misinformation remains uncorrected.

I give up, live in your own world, were 1,000,000 is the same as 16,000,000 and the US have won every war ever fought on their own.

I am not a news service.

No but Fox is, isn’t it? And that’s where you get all your opinions from, isn’t it?

And you believe that.

Tell us all your experiences of Iraq then. I have offered you a full and unreserved apology if you can prove a single thing I have said wrong. I (and several other members of the British military on this board) have been shot at, mortared, RPG’d etc in that dump. To me, that is not people who want us there.

That’s sad. I’ve seen a number of US solders on TV with one leg saying, “If I could go back and serve with my guys, I’d do it all over again.”

Why is it sad? The country is a fucking dump, Basra smells like shit (literally), it’s too hot, it’s full of annoying insects that bite you and melt half your skin, spiders that chase you and people who either steal everything that isn’t bolted down or mortar you. Why would anyone in their right mind want to go back there if they didn’t have to?

Well, you admitted it was a liberal publication. Don’t be mad at me for your love of slanted media.

As pdf27 said, they probably see Dubya as a dangerous socialist. That’s how right wing the Daily Mail is. The one thing no one has ever accused them of is being a slanted liberal publication.

You really don’t understand irony do you Tinbreeches?

If Britain went to war to protect its own interests in 1914 (as [pro?]claimed by the All Knowing and All Intelligent) and not due to the Treaty of London 1839, what exactly were those interests that would be protected by such an act?

One of the tragic things about the start of WW1 was that many countries got involved unnecessarily due to old treaty obligations after the assassination of a royal bloke in the Balkans. Back in the day, treaty obligations counted for rather more than they do today. A brief chronology:

*Archduke Frans Ferdinand assassinated in Sarajevo
*Austria-Hungary sends ultimatum to the Serbs
*Serbia was allied with Russia, so Austria-Hungary sought assurances from Germany for mutual defence
*A-H declares war on Serbia
*Russia, bound by treaty with Serbia mobilises
*Germany, allied to A-H sees Russian mobilisation as an act of war against A-H, declares war on Russia
*France was bound by treaty with Russia so found herself at war with Germany and thus also A-H
*Germany invades neutral Belgium
*Britain, although bound loosly to France by a “moral obligation”, was obliged to defend Belgium due to the Treaty of London 1839, and declares war on Germany the day Belgium is invaded.
*Japan, honoring a military agreement with Britain declares war on Germany on 24th August
*Italy, although allied to Germany and A-H by a defensive pact, argues that the war is offensive, so stays out till 1915, siding with the Allies having been promised large territorial gains from A-H under the secret Treaty of London 1915 (here’s your country that entered the war purely for its own interests).
*USA enters in 1917 cos the U-boats were pissing off US commercial shipping

précis of

Thus, what should have been a little balkan scrap between A-H and Serbia turned into a world war, purely through treaty obligations.

Simon Wiesenthal died today at the age of 96. He was best known for bringing Nazi criminals such as Adolf Eichmann to justice after the war. He was “the conscience of the Holocaust”, said Rabbi Hier of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

I think there is already a thread for this, maybe a MOD can merge them?

Oops, didn’t realize there was already one. I apologize.

Please do merge the original message into the existing one. Thanks.

Firefly - please give the hyperlink so I can merge the threads. Thanks in advance.

It’s about four threads below this one P-VI

Ok - seems as if I can’t merge it with my current powers :roll:. Gotta give this job to FW or Gen. Sandworm.