Worst or most inaccurate WW2 film

Enemy at the Gates.
There’s a reason as to why even Russians don’t like the movie: It’s too Hollywood-embellished.
If the story itself is real, the movie shows it in such a shameful hollywood way :frowning:

Alot of the American Propoganda depicts in movies that they did most of the work.
Sure Omaha Beach was a hard battle to overcome, but so was the beaches the english took, and the canadians.
Another thing is, you never hear about the battles the australian fought through the second world war, even in Vietnam australians were ignored.
It was good the americans decided to help fight in world war two instead of stay in their country and carry on with their normal lives as world war 2 raged on, but they can not go making movies about lies can they?

I don’t think American propaganda shows they did most of the work. The problem is simply because there’s not enough movie about other countries since Hollywood is American.

The problem comes in money: Hollywood makes the most money out of American soldiers thus there’s simply TOO MANY movies about the Americans and/or too little about other countries (or very little known).
The other countries are ignored because they (sadly) don’t bring enough $$$ to the fat pigs at Hollywood.

…by the way, just to let you know, Omaha Beach was indeed the toughest one out of the 5, most likely from the failure of DD tanks in this specific place.
Juno Beach was the second toughest to overcome.

THE most inaccurate, cheesy, crappy film is “the battle of the bulge” a complete lie, with fake officers, american tanks posing as german tanks, extermely fake history(the bulge battle in the desert?), terrible actors, and a story that has no connection with history.

and the fight scenes are terrible. with no attention to detail. americans and germans seem to go to war without belts./equipment. only a rifle.

LOL, I know, I was watching it and for a second I thought I was watching a North African Campaign :lol:

Oh, and by the way, no one knows if the Duel betweens those sniper accually happened, the only people that know, took it to the grave with them. Most likely Russian Propoganda