Wow..Whats next to ban

I think theres a law that you can not have rifles of any kind exept for display purposes, if the firing pin is deactivatated, if you wish to buy rifles in the u.s. and live in the u.s., then the rifles have to be out of city limits lets say in a lil house in the prairie. You can have hand guns though.

Plt, I dont understand what your talking about, are you saying you cant own rifles in the U.S. if you live in the city limits? If you believe that your wrong.

No what I’m saying is that I think there is a law that bans you from keeping rifles of any kind within city limits. Which means you might have to keep them out of city limits. But you can still own them outside city limits.

I think that must be a Chicago or Il. specific restriction, as it certainly doesn’t apply to most other parts of the US.

Plt, Your way off the mark, there are a few states that have banned the so called assault rifle and the 50 cal’s, California being one of them but that ban is on future owning of that style weapon, if you already own one and its registered you can keep it, you just cant sell to someone in that state. Rifles and shotguns are allowed.
Also a few states or cities have banned the handgun ( washington D.C. & Chicago ) and those cities generally have the highest crime rate, so that kinda proves that bans DO NOT REDUCE CRIME. Here is a link that covers some of those laws.

The knife isnt really the problem, its the people who use them so lets ban them:P

Ban on knives… is most paranoic thing I ever heard off.

Well if they ban knives here in SA knive stabbings will drop under black people. It is the truth, I am not a racist in saying this.


The bans only work with people wich cares the law, a stabber is a person who dont give a damn for the law.

Mate, most of them have knives and look ate our prisons and you would see who do not care about law. Yes, the people who care about laws are those who get killed by those sun of a guns and then the crimminal get all the rights and get of lightly. Kill a killer and a rapest and pedofiles and our prison would be emtyer. :lol:
