WW2 Supply Locker

I have acquired a military locker. I first thought it was a foot locker but have been told it is a supply locker. Is there a way for me to find out what was kept in this locker from the outside markings.
On every side it says
UP&T 44-35
That is the only stenciled letters on it, besides a small red painted box with 301 in it. Any help would be kindly appreciated.
I has been painted brown but the inside is green.

Hi Stephani

The only thing I came across was “Army Diagnostic Improvement Program”, 83 could be 1983. the UP&T 44-35, could be a part number so it could have been used to hold Instruments, or paper work, but don’t hold me on this. are there any compartments inside.


I doubt that the cumbersome type of construction used in your box was used in 1983, or for at least a decade or two before it, for military or other general purposes.

UP&T might refer to Unit Personnel & Tonnage Table which related to equipment loading on US ships during WWII and maybe later. See Section 11, in the 1944 instructions which might explain the ‘44’ in your case, at HyperWar: Transport Doctrine [Chapter 19]
The 35 in 44-35 may refer to a form number or to the more general paragraph 1935 in the link.

Don’t know what ADIP 83 could refer to, but possibly some other piece of loading or other bureaucracy as with the UP&T marking. I’m not being disparaging about that bureaucracy. Combat loading on ships was critical to the rapid, or even just moderately effective, deployment of troops, which is something Churchill failed to grasp when trying to divert Australian troops to Burma in a critical stage for Australia’s defence in 1942 when the troops were on troopships and their gear wasn’t combat loaded, so they’d have landed ready for action in little more than their uniforms.

I’m guessing that the ADIP 83 refers to some other document like the UP&T or to a local loading list for a given ship, and that the 301 in the painted box identifies that item in the loading list and plan. Or, for all I know, they’re unit designations unrelated to ship loading.