WW2s greatest battles

The battle for Poland brought France and the British Empire into the war, so started the main part of the war. Would Russia have attacked Poland if Germany had not and would Britain and France come to its aid?

how bout the battle of St Lo it was a crossroad for german resources and it was a important objective to the allies if am not mistaken

There is no doubt that wars are won as a result of an agregation of events and details. It would be interesting if the battles mentioned could be given a place within the the wider sphere of a particular campaign and the effect they had upon it.

And should be the Stalin too stupid to attack the Poland and brought the USSR into the war with ALL Europe :wink: ?
Becouse in this way the Germany, Britain and France declared the union Crusade to the East.

Yes. Interesting, would Poland let the German troops through its territory? :wink:

Why not . ;)The Germans didn’t wish to steal the polish soul.
As i remember one of the polish politican said “With the Germany we lost our territory, but with Russia we lost our soul”. It seems it was Pilsudsky if i’m right.

how bout the great bombings or dogfights

for example the great bombimgs from the luftwaffe on london a dogfight well i have not heard of a dogfight in ww2 yet and also sea battles like yea midway the philppines sea

Everybody has ignored the pivotal Battle of Los Angeles which, while often wrongly attributed to hysteria by American troops http://www.militarymuseum.org/BattleofLA.html
was actually the most important battle of WWII as it prevented the earth being invaded by aliens from outer space http://ufos.about.com/od/bestufocasefiles/p/losangeles1942.htm :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

that was their second attempt. They almost succeed in 1938, but they caught a cold. :mrgreen:


This would explain the virulence of their reaction on the second attempt. :mrgreen:

I highly recommend for viewing a very insightful documentary. “1941” directed by Steven Spielberg. I enjoyed it very much.

I’m not familiar with that one, but I found this:


That would be the one! It’s very funny.

Thank you. I’ll ook out for it.

u two i really dont care if u talk about that but stay on this topic or that topic you guys are talking about k

Don’t qoute me. It’s 32Bravos fault…he brought it up.
I’ll consider myself warned. :slight_smile:

dont worry if you do get troble by a mod i can talk to him but i think talking about aliens is cool like the roswell incident

What about aerial battles?

The Battle of Britain was one of the greatest, for the sheer fact that if Britain hadn’t beaten the Luftwaffe back, Operation Sea Lion would have begun and that most probably would’ve been that; no D-Day, no bases from which to carry out a round-the-clock bombing campaign.

Also there are aerial battles such as the ones which occurred as the Eight Air Force fought its way to Schweinfurt and back on August 17th, 1943, with appalling losses I might add!

As for those that say D-Day wasn’t that much of a bid deal, it was only the largest invasion force ever assembled! Man-made harbours being towed across the Channel, fuel lines being run across to ensure the armour remained operational… There are just too many things to list that make this day into one of the most colossal in history!

Certainly the battle Of Britain was one of the most pivotal battles of the war. Most importantly the events of summer 1940 clearly exposed the deficiencies within the Luftwaffe, of which many were never rectified, much to Germany’s cost and ultimate defeat.

Regards digger

I’d have to say the battle of Kursk. It is credited as the biggest tank battle in history.