Wwii rpg

Can anyone give me a good reason I shouldn’t lock this thread and delete all the “bump” posts which people appear to be using to increase their “rank” on this site? I would remind everyone that posting nonsense to add to their post count is strictly against the rules of this site…


Deleting one of the bump posters would go a long way to stopping nonsense posts all over the board.

Bumo we aren’t doing this to make our ranks go up, it is to keep the thread at the top of the list advertising my site, but thats probably against the rules to,

anyways BUMP!

Yep. Hence this thread is locked for contagious stupidity while I clean it up.

Edit: Right, I’ve cleaned out about 300 posts consisting of nothing but inane drivel. In the process, I note that Major Winters’ post count has declined from about 200 to 3, all of them in this thread, with Herman and Aly J losing a lot of posts too.

The three of you really ought to know better by now.

Major Winters, consider this a formal warning about spamming the forum - do it again and you’re gone for good. The only reason I’m not banning you is that you’re very young, have kept the spamming to this thread and the original post is actually of some potential legitimate interest. If you want to spam a forum, do it to your own forum.

Aly J and Herman, so far as I’m concerned this is your last warning before a ban. You should both know better by now. If you want to spam a forum with inane drivel, Major Winters has kindly provided one for the purpose - see his sig for details.

Everyone else, this thread is now reopened in case there is some legitimate comment for this thread. If there is any collateral damage to posts you wanted kept in this thread, too bad.

So whats this thread about then!
why don’t you just closed the thread down cause we can not B***.
We all ready got a Off The Topic Dump Thread, so just close it.

PDF, What are You ragging on me about now?. I haven’t posted anything like Aly J to warrant your threats to ban me. I don’t open nor create useless threads that annoy people. Look at my threads. There are ok. Not one of them is stupid.You look at them and tell me one dam thread that is as stupid as Aly J’s that dribble on and on and on every day??
Why are you connecting me to Aly J’s stupid threads? Your just looking for a reason to ban me and that is very unfair. I have not even posted in a few days. I did not start the cat fight with RS. It was Aly J. I did not post obscene and threats to the site owner or Mods. It was RS. What have I done to cause you to threaten me with a Ban? I want to appeal your threat. If you Ban me how can I appeal?. I want to Appeal now.Please tell me who I have to see. Do I PM Superfly?. I want to know why your doing this to me. I don’t like to be accused for stuff that Aly j and RS pestered you about. I am innocent I tell you. I have contributed something of VALUE in my threads and most of my comments are related to off topic useless threads. I do not interfere with the integrity of the valuable threads. I think you have let your anger at the spammers and useless threaders to rub off on me. I thought you were fair. This accusation is unfair. I read that bubba guys threads and you didn’t ban him. I don’t write racist remarks or useless threads. Please tell me why you are accusing me like this. I love this forum. I don’t know what I would do without it. I stopped BUMPING in this thread over a mth or so ago because I didn’t know it was Spam. But when I heard it was I did stop. So why are you putting your attitudinal comment in a thread I don’t even participate in . This decision and threat you have made is not to be generalized with your issues with Aly J. Why are you so mean to me?.What do you mean by a ban. A perm ban?. What are you saying?. The Herman Meister will not go down with the ship. I will Appeal. I have rights. Stalin is dead ya know.

As a New member, I would like to know how I can appeal a ban before it happens. I have been threatened with a ban which I believe is unfair. I don’t want to be banned without knowing how to clear my fine name and honour.I believe the hostility recently between certain other members has transgressed onto me, when I haven’t commeneted any transgression upon. I feel I am being framed by the dubious comments posted by others, which upsets the mods, and the resulting transgression is applied to me. I feel this is unfair. Just because a certain Mod may not personally like me, doesn’t mean they should excercise their personal bias against me in the form of a power trip. I want this to be on record before I am unfairly banned beyond my will. As a new member I feel that the threats that were posted in the Bump thread against me, have tarnished my name and made me look unwelcome on this forum. If you look at the dozen posts in the bump thread prior to the threat against me, you will observe I am not involved what so ever yet my name is clumped together with others as if i am part of the mass. the problem and stress caused by other members towards the mod should not be applied against me as a group decision. I feel i have contributed, reformed and shown my merit considerably since I joined and i don’t think new members should be threatened by those in power when I haven’t said anything to be linked to the SPECIFIC issue which precipitated the threat. I like this forum. I don’t feel welcome by threats.Thank You for your time

Firefly is the Chief Mod, and as such deals with any complaints of inappropriate moderation. Take your case to him via PM.

Oh, and I moved your “as a new member” post to this thread because you aren’t a new member and left there it would give an entirely false impression to those who are. Again, if you don’t like it take it up with Firefly via PM.

Herman, Why is it Aly J That CAUSED the CAT FIGHT. IT was R/S that started the CAT FIGHT.
Please get you’re head out of there buttock’s and you’ll see some light.
I did send a PM to PDF letting him know that you stop posting long time ago on the bump thread.

Ya well, Aly J, it is PDF’s attitude with you that has caused him to THREATEN to Ban me, and I don’t like it. I’m staying on the fence for now until he cools off. No Offence to you, but if you don’t cool down on your posts he’ll fling you to the wolves like he did me once upon a time. He is just waiting to pick on some one and it will be you if you dont watch youself. The anger portrayed by RS few days ago on the site instigated PDF to stick up for his “buddy buddy” (if you know what I mean),and threaten both of us because his “buddy” got upset over his lack of attention to the little people who apparently are causing frustration with the senior members because they can’t have their tea and crunpets when engaing in serious dialogue with other members, on an intelectual leval which is above and beyond our realm it appears. Watch yourself, he is looking for a scape goat to make himself look Big and Powerful. I mean, if you or I make a snide comment or a joke then we get THREATENED, but if you read the amount and quantity of useless so called funny remarks by RS, you will see that they are not brought attention to, because he is Mods “buddy buddy”. I did my research and i counted all the funnies and so called jokes (which I liked by the way from RS), and not once did Mod say that it is wasting valuable forum space)…Oh but if I make a comment, all of a sudden I am a troll or I’m banned or i’m some kind of evil person… I’m chillin out for the time being…

It’s very simple - Herman has a past history here including a ban for trolling (in his case advocating genocide of the Japanese). After a ban people are on probation for quite some time, and are held to higher standards than everyone else. After a period of time (around a year - basically when the mods are happy the person is no longer a threat to the site) we relax and treat them as any other forum member.
In Herman’s case this was only 5 months ago, so he is still on probation as far as we are concerned.

Too much trouble. I can delete the lot in one go, or a single offensive post.
Don’t worry too much about going past the mods - RS* has for instance and doesn’t let it go to his head.

Well, why the Hell didn’t you tell me this in the first place PDF!.:slight_smile:
Now I feel much better. Thank You. I didn’t know I was on secret probation for a year. I thought you were just in general, mean. Now I know that there’s a reason for your meanness . You actually like me and want me to improve and that really shows you care. I will not let you down and promise to show improvement by the time my year end probation is up for review. I did get brownie points for a past post in case you didn’t know. If you go into my profile you will see someone put:”Excellent Post”. This should be taken into consideration when the probation review board access’s the merit of my contribution to this forum. Sorry if I was a bit Big on words with you. I shouldn’t jump to conclusions and now I know why you threatened me with a ban. It’s your way of instilling psychological fear into me so I improve so I stay on cause if I left you would miss me too much. I will never leave you PDF. I will be like a thorn in your rose. We 2 are like pea and Pod. I feel a tear coming to my eye. Bye for now.

Lets get something straight here.

The Mods on this site are all volunteers, they want to help improve your experience here. But having a good experience means that you have to think before you speak. If your actions affect others and the mods think you have over stepped the bounds then they have license to act.

The Mods arent powermongering maniacs, they have been specifically chosen for their clear and logical thought process but like anyone else they will have their favourite posters, they are human after all.

I state yet again, anyone who has a problem with a Mod is free to PM me with their concerns. I will respond, Mods are under the same rules as anyone else here and abide by the same rules. I will remove any Mod if he consistently abuses his powers. I have absolutely no evidence of this though.

So before you post, please think about what your posting and youll do fine here. Post nonsense constantly and attack the Mods or individual groups without reasoned argument and your time here will be short.

Simple really, dont state anything here you wouldnt state to someones face…

Well, he is answering a question posed by Herman in posts #26 and #27

Ya but that was BEFORE I knew you were adhering to stricter standards for me compared to others cause you said I was on probation. And like I already said, I feel better know that I know this. I apologise for any misunderstanding. I no longer think PDF is a Meanie. I congratulate him on his ernest proactive efforts to steer me to the right path. Thank You PDF and i hope we can still be friends.If I lose my status due to my ignorance or troll like behaviour then it is my own fault (although I hope I am not perceived that way). I hold no grudge on PDF and actually feel closer to him now that I know he’ll be watching me like a big brother. Before I felt alone, but know I feel like a wallabee in a kangaroo pouch…warm and comfy. I hope it is ok to extend my deepest and heartful gratitude to PDF and his chain gang for allowing me to see the path. :lol::army::lol::smiley: