WWII Sherman Tank in Iraq!

From thet same link, here’s a M24 Chaffee at Tikrit:

The caption indicates that it has ‘some damage to gun from bomb blast.’
Not a lot of damage visible around the bbl, so what on earth really happened to the gun ?

I didn’t know many countries use tanks and heavy armour transports from WW2 these modern days , well , certainly not the USA they love their M1a1 and M1a2 Abrams. :lol:

If that was a serious point ( :wink: ) then there will be a fair number of WW 2 vintage vehicles knocking around the World, not actually in use as military vehicles per se, but for mechanical training, gate guardians, museum pieces or even as range targets.

In the mid-late 90s there were still SHERMAN hulls being used as artillery targets on some UK firing ranges, and I know of at least one CHURCHILL still on the ranges as late as last Summer.

It’s worth remembering that pre-GW 1, the Iraqis had a rather eclectic mix (as did many similar countries) of vehicles. AFV recognition training for GW 1 was complicated to say the least!

I’m therefore not surprised that there are WW 2 vehicles in Iraq, but as I said in the 1st paragraph above, probably not actually used on the battlefield.

That said, the old Soviet view that any tank is better than no tank, that led to T 34s still being mothballed in the inventory certainly into the late 80’s, may be a view worth having.

Kind regards


What did the eastern countries like Iraq and Iran do through WW2 ?


They were invaded by other countries that fought wars over their land with no or little concern for the people who live there. They consisted of low technology societies who had minimal manufacturing if any at all.

WW2, Iraq was a UK mandate and Iran was jointly occupied by the UK and Soviet Union after 1941.

lol :lol: yes the United States loves out Abrams, but don’t think that the United States soely relies on our Abrams tank (though it is our primary tank, there are still other vehicles in service :roll:) we use Bradley APCs for troop transportation and support fire for the troops, the Heavy Equipment Recovery Combat Utility Lift & Evac. System, or HERCULES for short. The primary function of that is recovery missions or providing support for an Abrams tank batallion. And last the M113 FOV, which is another APC used by the armed forces.

Dont dorget the Stryker:


Of course, the Stryker! I was looking in the Tracked Vehcile section of


and didn’t see it there, but now I’m looking at all the wheeled vechiles and indirect fire systems. Here’s what else we use:

The Stryker
HEMTT (Resupply Truck)
HMMWV (High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle(Something similar to a Humvee :? ))
HET (Heavy Equipment Transporter)
PLS (Palletized Load System)

The above are all wheeled vehciles, for Indirect fire systems we use

MRLS (Mobile Rocket Launcher System)
Many variations of the towed Howitzer
M120/M121 Mortar (and variations)

We also use several military versions of linehaul trucks the 915 series and more tactical vehicles such as m939s. The 915s are basically tractor trailer rigs with heavy duty suspensions and minamal military features added.
I did see a sherman on my through Kuwait to Iraq. It was in a base about 15 miles from the Iraq border, it was sitting alongside some Soviet amphibious vehicles (yes, amphibious).

ddodson, do you have any pics from your tour?

A few, but none of that particlar tank or the amphibs.
I was primarily concerned with Hummers and PLSs

ddodson, can you post it in our military section of the forum? I woud love to see them and I am sure others would as well.

certainly. Just got to find them, got back about a month ago and I am still unpacking stuff.

Your last picture may be proof they (Iraq) used Shermans. God knows why. Better than nothing I guess. I wonder if more will ,or,have turned up?