WWII Vets?

wow your grandfather must be a character from band of brothers!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

wow i didn’t know operation market garden was actually called “a bridge too far” which is a name of a book and movie… 8)

And wow, I didn’t know that the americans fought in the battle of Berlin!!! I thought the soviets conquered the city alone!!! :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:[/quote]

Actually, A Bridge Too Far was a battle fought within Market Garden if I am correct. Though I was under the impression that the Soviet Union counqured Berlin by themselves. :?

wow i didn’t know operation market garden was actually called “a bridge too far” which is a name of a book and movie… 8)

And wow, I didn’t know that the americans fought in the battle of Berlin!!! I thought the soviets conquered the city alone!!! :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:[/quote]

Actually, A Bridge Too Far was a battle fought within Market Garden if I am correct. Though I was under the impression that the Soviet Union counqured Berlin by themselves. :?[/quote]

umm no, i don’t think a bridge too far" was the name of a battle. “a bridge too far” is the name of a book by Cornelius ryan.

the main bridges were arnhem and nijmegan.

if 1944’s grandad fought in the battle of berlin, he must of parachuting down as a commando and removed hitler’s ashes for the OSS?! :roll:

why would someone in the 101st airborne transferr to the 82nd airborne? :?:

lol i take that some of you think that i made this up…i did not. although i was wrong in stating that he actually fought in the battle of berlin, more he was in berlin after the battle ended. and he was at hitlers eagle’s nest. if you dont believe me then wait and see the pics :smiley:

And pics I’d love to see :smiley: And Hosenfield, seems I was wrong :oops:

Eagle nest i want to see ,

It’s well worth the visit.
Compared to many on this site you are relatively near to it, perhaps you could take a trip there sometime.
The restaurant’s not bad either.

My Maternal grandfather was a farmer and therefore retained in the UK and didnt go to war. though stood his home guard and things like that.

My Paternal Grandfather was in the Transport corps and spent time in Norway and Holland,Driving thorugh to Njimegen.

It’s well worth the visit.
Compared to many on this site you are relatively near to it, perhaps you could take a trip there sometime.
The restaurant’s not bad either.[/quote]

Hmm better then i saw on pictures i never see eagle nest ,and i dont go in visit ,who knows maybe some crazy nazi wait inside :lol: :lol: :lol:

My dad was with the British Army in Burma, my Father-in-law was on Iwo Jima and my Uncle was with Pattons 3rd Army. They all saw action but it was my father-in-law who experienced the worst of it. He went in on day 10 under a commander named Pollock, right up through the center of the island. He was really hesitant to talk about it so I never pushed him. All heroes in my book.

WHat did your dad do then mate and welcome aboard by the way.

Thanks! Saw this forum and had to join in. My dad drove ambulance with an outfit called the American Field Service, attached to the British Army. Because his eyesight was so poor (the Americans wouldnt take him) and as he put it, was “not going to be denied” getting into the war, when he heard about the AFS offer, he jumped on it.
He got a decoration & ribbon for being in a major battle (came under very intense fire) and said of those years that they were some of the best in his life. He’s still with us, just turned 90, and sharp as a tack!

Kudous to your dad. Even more for what he did. He could have stayed at home and didnt. Send him my regards…

My uncle was in the 12th Armored/ 2nd Armored division, served in Europe. I believe when he was discharged he was a PFC. He was awarded the WW2 Victory medal, WW2 service lapel button, he also was put in for the good conduct but I don’t think he ever recieved according to the papers I have. Here are two pictures I found on my pc of him.

My grandfather was in the Coast Guard. He was going to the Pacific but came down with the same thing Bobby Darin had I can’t recall the name offhand and he got an honorable discharge. He was going to be working with the Higgins boats landing troops. I believe he was doing Shore Patrol also.

his other brother andy was in the bataan (SP) and was captured and sent to Osaka pow camp. He was moved also I forget to where I have the newspaper article on it though. this is the picture the japanese took when he entered the camp of him of course when he got rescued he didn’t look like this .S. Air force maintenance, stationed in Baton Philippines

his other brother tom, Tom – Survivor of USS Gunboat Erie. Gunnery Sgt. Marines 2 Years. Occupied China. Teaching and leading guerilla warfare disrupting Japanese war efforts. Awarded Bronze star. he took a kid that they encounter in a village and took care of him and whatnot even though he wasn’t suppose to and a think years later that same kid made it to the US and said in a newspaper article he owed his life to tom i don’t hav ethat article though
that is him far left with his mom and his brother

his other brother joey was in the 282nd Airborne i dont think i have pictures of him if i find some ill upload a few

my other grandfather was in the army but he missed his ship to go overseas not much to say there.

My gradfather was a private in the Jewish Bridage that was part of the Palestine regiment, he fought in North Africa and Italy.

Even though i dont know much, i believe my grandfather was on HMS Repulse. Serving with HMS Prince of Wales in the Pacific Campaign along side US forces… I do know that he did earn some medals…

One question, and you may have been waiting for it. If I take it you are jewish, from your location and remarks, how do you reconcile having an SS Avatar?

I’m not getting at you, but am just curious?

interesting question Firefly

One question, and you may have been waiting for it. If I take it you are jewish, from your location and remarks, how do you reconcile having an SS Avatar?

I’m not getting at you, but am just curious?[/quote]

I just picked it up beacause I think it’s a great pic, after all not everyone who had WW2 German avatars are identify with the politics of that time…

Both my grandfathers served in WW2. One had a desk job for the army (don’t know what he did) somewhere in Colorado or Kansas I believe, I have his uniform somewhere and a (GI?) Scarf that was with it.

The other one was in the navy, and was an electrician in a transport boat in the Pacific Theatre. The only place he’s talked about being was Iwo Jima, but I think he was at a few other significant places, possibly Okinawa.