Your favorite MG?

Due to the high firing rate of the MG there’s still the possibility that the brain wasn’t able to transmit the message of death to the rest of the body anymore before it was seperated from the rest of the corpus…

MG 42, just as long as I had a truck keeping me supplied with ammo;)

The U.S. M60 and the German M3 were just modifications to the original MG 42 and I know the M60 is still used by some American forces. That speaks rather highly of the gun.

This goes a long way to explaining some of the posts which appear on this forum by members who appear to be brain dead. :rolleyes:

And who called this one an expendable thread?

I think that you will find that the M60 is a modification of the FG 42 with the belt feed from the MG 42 rather than a modification of the MG 42 itself…

Anyway, back to proper MGs – about five years ago I very nearly bought one of the little boy racer MG cars built on the last generation Rover chassis, since you got a whole ARRSE load of performance for around €15.000. The body shape was actually acceptable, as opposed to that of the donor car, and they seemed pretty good. What stopped me was that, fundamentally, the dam thing was a Rover that someone had fiddled with. Cliches about polishing turds came flooding to mind, no matter what they looked like and that they appeared to work fine.

Glad I didn’t, since Rover went bust (no bailout then!), and the world is a better place for its demise. I feel sorry for the guys that worked for it, but they could have been more cheaply employed digging out and filling in holes out in the boonies somewhere…

of course MG-42…bcoz it was the most dreaded MG in the World War II…

the Browning was also good…but not as good as MG-42…

First of All…Most dreaded calibur…7.92mm
then the fire rate…1800rounds p/m…!!!
then the range…above2500 ft…

“On average it took 5 Panthers to take out a Sherman…four of them would be lying in a ditch out of fuel or broken down…and the fifth one simply blew away the Sherman”


Hmmm… I wonder which would scare me more. An 18" HE shell, or a .3" bullet. What planet are you on exactly?

1800 rpm? The firing rate of the MG42 seems to increase more and more since the mid 40’s.

Quite right, we attempted to combine the best features of the MG 42 and the FG42 into the M 60 but being as the FG 42 wasn’t on the poll I didn’t include it.

The 7.92x57mm Mauser round was very similar to the American .30-'06 round
The cyclic rate was around 1200 rounds a minute but could vary. Nice for keeping heads down-bad for ammo bearers…
The range of about 1,000 meters (listed) wasn’t anything exceptional

The MG42. It was reported that it had the highest average rates of fire of any single-barreled machine gun.

Reported by whom? Because they are wrong… there is a Soviet machine gun for use as flexible aircraft armament which did 2000 rpm. The name escapes me at the moment…

MG-42 of course is my vote with the removing of the problems of MG-34 it appeared as a dangerous weapon on every battlefield and on every conditions .

My favourite mg is the 568.25 mg.

The 50 mg Diazepam is my favourite for stopping an attack.

Nothing survives it.

Although it’s not strictly accurate, if 1 mg is taken to equal 1 ml, and allowing for locational variations, I still hold by my last.

Yeah, Big Boy?

When you’ve copped 50 mg Diazepam up your clacker, with tracer, your locational variations will be off the map.

Yeah, Big Boy?

When you’ve copped 50 mg Diazepam up your clacker, with tracer, your locational variations will be off the map.[/QUOTE]
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I wasn’t actually contemplating Diazepam - and definitely nothing at all by that particular route !
Up in the Mother Country we still make better use of the 568 mg (aka 568 ml.)

I pick the 1870 Mitrailleuse.

I would say that you break my heart because we cant vote for two . I like the Browning .30 cal mostly but i also like the MG42 , because of its rate of fire mostly

you idiots didnt add the m2 browning .50 caliber hmg