Your proudest / stupidest / best injury

I have a Panhead Harley I have ridden for 35 years.
I was doing something to the Linkert carb with basic HD tool #2, the vice grip.
I yanked on it and it came loose and the knurled knob struck right between my running lights.
Got several stiches and a scar that looks like I am frowning sometimes.

Well, at least you didn’t emulate my son by falling off your bike.

I wouldn’t mind hitting my son between the eyes with a ViseGrip as a wake up call. If I could walk fast enough to catch him.:frowning:

This relates to the Great Male Problem of Surprising Anticipated Consequences.

As in when I’m trying to crack a nut and foresee that if it cracks and goes my knuckles will be cut / hurt / smashed on the heatshield / cylinder head / engine block.

And then the nut cracks and, believe it or not, my knuckcles are cut / hurt / smashed on the heatshield / cylinder head / engine block.

Who would’ve thunk?

A slingshot might help, saves wear on the knee bone.

Not cool TG, don’t give him ideas to hit the youth… :slight_smile:

Our Esteemed RS doesnt need any help in devising fiendishly clever methods of retribution, but I dont mind sharing my experience in Fatherhood. I would never recommend something that might be dangerous, (rocksalt&shotgun) or unconscionable, (selling said youth into indentured servitude) I would very much recommend a good fatherly talk, resulting in a strengthened familial relationship between Parent, and child. (Yeah, right…) :lol:

That is an outrageous suggestion.

As if anyone would pay anything for my son.

He’s currently advertised on eBay for $10,000.

I started the ad as “Free to good home” but when my wife saw it she said “Do you care what sort of home he goes to, as long as it’s not ours?”. I couldn’t argue with that.

So now we’re prepared to give someone $10,000 to take him off our hands, which will save us multiples of that every year just in feed.


It worked for Ward Cleaver with Beaver in Leave it to Beaver, and Jim Anderson with James Jr in Father Knows Best.

What went wrong?

Did I fail to update the father/son talk to the modern era, like this?

Or maybe a more direct approach, like this?

Good points all. But as I recall, June was often telling Ward, “don’t you think you were a little hard on the Beaver?”

Massive topic shift, but:

It meant nothing to any of us here at the time as we’d never heard the term ‘beaver’ to refer to anything except the tree chewing animal, but I’ve sometimes wondered since learning the other American meaning if the writers weren’t having a bit of fun with double meanings in the script. As in June asking Ward if he was “a little hard on the beaver”.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they were, one of those lines included the words “last night” as Ward and the Beav had a Fatherly chat the night before,so the writers must have been monumentally thick, or very sly, and cheeky. Okay, back to the other stuff.

I’d rather like to pursue the beaver. :wink: :smiley:

June was not the average house frau, frequently, she wore beads, Dior gowns while doing the sponge mopping. The really expensive odd thing was that there had to be 5 or more dresses in case something happened to ah, stain one during filming.

I’d just like to report that the knee wound is almost healed and that for most practical purposes I have almost full use of the knee.

For an update, due to some clumsy shovel work a week ago, I thought I had loosened a tooth by smacking myself in the mouth with the end of a shovel handle.

Alas, according to my dentist today, I actually snapped the tooth above the gum line and it’s only been held in by the gum for the past week and is now close to letting go. Which goes some way to explaining the discomfort during that time.

It would have been nice if his bitch receptionist accepted my suggestion on the day I snapped the tooth that there seemed to be some urgency attached to it, based on my unsophisticated assessment that spitting out bits of tooth and blood from a suddenly wobbly tooth indicated a problem possibly requiring professional attention rather sooner than a week later. Still, an eighteen year old fluoride-generation fat little bitch with all her teeth knows all there is to know about dental injuries, apart from the one I’m thinking about inflicting on her for a bit of practical experience.

Anyway, the snapped tooth and its remnants are being extracted tomorrow, after which there will be various displays of dentists’ and dental technicians’ technical skills over the next six weeks which, in summary, will cost me about two and a half grand.

The hole I was digging turned out to be somewhat more expensive than anticipated. It would have been cheaper to line it with gold leaf.

Good to hear! soon you will be able to deliver a proper Fatherly boot in the arse that would make Red Forman proud. Use a steel toed boot, it will hurt (you) less.

I had no idea who Red Forman was before your post, but if this is him he appears to have modelled himself on me. :wink: :smiley:

He is the very one… Perhaps you should get a slice of the pie for providing the inspiration for “Red” or at least a “character based on,” credit. :slight_smile:

Here’s some useful medical information, based on personal experience in the last couple of days, which could save you money.

If you damage your knee and end up with unsightly raised scar tissue, it can be removed thus:

  1. Wear shorts. Or do it naked, which will work just as well, although it might remove other skin.
  2. Lug a large heavy item through a doorway with a screen door.
  3. Surprise yourself by the screen door banging back against you, although it was obvious this would happen if you’d bothered to think first.
  4. Make sure your leg is moving rapidly at the time so that your knee drags across the door, which allows the flywire and external diamond pattern steel mesh to act like a grater.

In a second or so, at no cost and without having to leave your home and without involving annoying medical professionals such as anaesthetists, you can remove all of the raised scar tissue and give your knee a fresh start for level skin.

It worked for me!

The Medical Profession will be along to offer you hush money pretty soon. Your idea will ah, cut into their business…

Perhaps, but think how much money I’m going to get from the screen door industry for revealing the angle of attack and flywire required for this delicate DIY surgery.

When fat old sheilas can overcome botox disasters just by running their faces into a screen door at the correct angle, they ain’t gonna go back to the doctors who pumped up their faces.