Informational Posts On " Little Pink Panties " Date: 12/21/2004 Time: 7:38 AM I recently was very pleased to discover your web site. I thought perhaps it would help me learn a little more about my brother Floyd's plane and the crews experiences. Floyd was with the 391st BG, 573rd BS and the plane was 42-107841, named Little Pink Panties. Sorry to say Floyd has recently died. I met the entire crew at their reunion in Tampa, Florida in 1988. I am writing to ask how I might contact persons who have submitted inputs to your web site. I would like to provide some information to those who had any ties to the plane, Little Pink Panties. Example: Entry 10/14/2002, 12:53:51 PM. Johnnie F. Jones states that he flew missions in "Little Pink Panties". On April 16th, he doesn't remember which plane they flew in but their plane took a direct hit and they had to bail out. It wasn't Little Pink Panties because I had found during my previous research that she had sustained flak damage on March 25, 1945 and crash landed. The entry of 10/12/2003, 5:54 PM confirms that. Again in entry 7/7/2002, 3:41:12 PM , the son of E. Z. Rice is searching for information about the plane his farther was in during a mid-air collision and subsequent ditching on 25 August 1944. On that date, it couldn't have been Little Pink Panties. I also would like to contact Terry Marines Rogers whose father was the bombardier of Little Pink panties. I'd tell her that my brother Floyd, another member of that crew, has passed on and the only one I know of who is still with us is the pilot, Hop Cassiday. Sincerely, Herman J. May Herman, Your identity of "Little Pink Panties" is correct 42-107841 coded T6-A and its loss in a crash-landing caused by severe flak damage. Elmer Z Rice was not flying "Little Pink Panties" when he was in a mid air collision and his B26 ditched at sea off the Channel Islands. When Johnnie F Jones was shot down he had been transferred to another Group and Squadron the 387th.BG 559th Bomb Squadron. Regards, Trevor J Allen historian