10 years as a POW! - Romanian Forces | Gallery

10 years as a POW!

General GHEORGHE NETEJORU, who is 90 years old today, was born 21 June 1922 an fought as a sub-lieutenant in ”Regimentul 2 Artilerie de Gardă” (2nd Guards Artillery Regiment), he was taken prisoner on 25 august 1944 and spent 10 years as a POW in the Soviet Union. The girl in the photo is his wife, she did wait 10 years for him to return and continued their life together. Photo credit: the book ”Și eu am luptat în Est” (I also fought in the East) by GHEORGHE NETEJORU, Ed. Militară, 2010.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/romanian-forces/47529/10-years-as-a-pow!

Nice to hear of such a sad story with a happy ending! :slight_smile:

General (r.) Gheorghe Netejoru, died 29 November 2012 at 90 years old. R.I.P.