106th Infantry Division in World War II

I’m trying to find info about my Dad, who served in World War II. His name was, Frank Owen Carden.

I just found a book that belonged to him, and its about the 106th Infantry Division.

I read some in the book and it seems, that this group was in Belgium and maybe Germany?

I know my Dad landed in Brest, France. He was wounded in battle, not long after being there, and was shipped back to England to a hospital there.

I have a photo of my Dad in his uniform, and from what I can tell, one of his patches, does look like this “Golden Lion” on the cover of the book.

I am wondering, if any of this group did land in Brest, France, and then maybe go on to Belgium?

I remember my Dad saying, that his unit was almost totally annihilated. He recieved a Purple Heart.

My Dad enlisted at camp Ft. McClellan, in Anniston, Alabama.

I read where some of this group was sent to Ft. Jackson, South Carolina, and seems as if I remember my Dad saying he was sent there.

I’m just wondering, if this could be my Dad’s group?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

I forgot to post, in my previous message, that the title of the book I found is, “St. Vith, Lion In The Way”, The 106th Infantry Division, In World War II.

The author was: Colonel R. Ernest Dupuy. It was printed by the Washington Infantry Journal Press. It is a 1st edition, and the copyright date is, 1949.

Thank you for any help.


After a short period of 15 days in France, The 106th saw extensive and fierce fighting during Battle of Bulge. Research the 106th and the Battle of Bulge for some general information. Some info from our host forum ww2 in color:


This link is to a reconstructed roster for the 106th by James D West, while it doesn’t list your Father you must understand that it is not what you consider a complete list, as some of the original records were destroyed by fire. I would contact him, as it sounds like Father was probably in the 106th.


This link is for Frank O Carden National Archives:


Another area of research is obtaining a copy of his DD 214 and SF 180 Form:


This link is to one Veterans remembrance of the 106th:


Hope this helps, if I find anything more I’ll post it here.

The 106th has a large though dwindling association like most military formations.
I’m sure there is a website or other contact information available for the looking.
They possibly still have reunions, though these are fading away.