11 TH Field Artillery 1937-1940 Scholfield - US Army | Gallery

11 TH Field Artillery 1937-1940 Scholfield

PVT Heilman and Friends names

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/us-army/30455/11-th-field-artillery-1937-1940-scholfield

My father was one for writing the names and dates on all our photos as children. Since I was given all these photos we have been able to idenitifly individuals for familes because my father tried to do this all through the war.

So many pictures details are known only to those familiar with the time, people, and place. If you have an older family member and old pictures, sit with them and have them tell you who the people are and what is happening. When they are gone, it’s too late. PVT Heilman is an example to follow.