12. ϟϟ-Pz.-Div. HJ in Normandy - German Forces | Gallery

12. ϟϟ-Pz.-Div. HJ in Normandy

Exhausted Grenadiers of the SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 25, I. Bataillon, 15. Kompanie, SS-Hauptscharführer Wilhelm Boigk's 3. platoon (KIA 04.07.1944) at La Villeneuve du Rots. They are preparing for a counterattack on Norrey-en-Bessin with the Panthers of 3.Panzerkompanie. Foreground: MG 42 gunner Klaus Schuh (KIA 26.06.1944) and center possible SS-Unterscharführer Wick. SS-Hauptscharführer Boigk was buried at the Soldatenfriedhöf Reyes-Bazenville. They mainly wearing Italian camo. Although not seen, Otto Funck / Funk was with this unit. http://pochefalaise.forumpro.fr/t483-secteur-caen-ouest-12th-ss-canadiens-a-rots

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/39139/12.-pz.-div.-hj-in-normandy

15th company was the regiment’s recce company, it was not part of 1st battalion (companies 1-4).

Does anyone know where in Normandy this photo was taken? I think that brick wall is still there today.