12. SS Pz. Div. HJ, 7.5cm PaK40 - German Artillery | Gallery

12. SS Pz. Div. HJ, 7.5cm PaK40

SS-Divisions-Begleit-Kompanie during an exercise near Turnhout, Belgium, spring 1944. Italian made SPA tractor in the background has become stuck in the soft ground.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-artillery/38030/12.-ss-pz.-div.-hj-7.5cm-pak40

The part of Europe that Belgium is part of has indeed a very rich history of war and destruction ,going back to the Romans and earlier still.Of course it’s the hundreds of reminders of WW1 and WW2 that are the most visible.By that I mean not only the monuments and so but also ,like in my hometown LEUVEN the bombblast or bullit damage on buildings or the plaques cemented in the houses that were burned by ther Germans in WW1.When walking around I often ask myself how many passers by still pay attention.I fear that apart from some older people or history lovers like myself ,in a short time no thoughts will remain.How many young people( with exceptions like ELK and others in here)are still interested?In my own surroundings… not one I know :frowning: