12 SS PzDiv "Hitlerjugend" Panzergrenadier - German Forces | Gallery

12 SS PzDiv "Hitlerjugend" Panzergrenadier

Young grenadier(SS Pz.Gren. Regiment 25) with kar98k waiting for the enemy. Normandy, 1944.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/30583/12-ss-pzdiv-%22hitlerjugend%22-panzergrenadier

The Normandy bocage was a death trap for allied soldiers and a defenders paradise many many men were killed by snipers and ambushes the allies couldnt wait to get through it!

Does anyone of you have a larger version of that picture?

Indeed.But it couldnt help againt heavy naval and artillery bombardment.Typhoon Bombers were the worst nightmare for german tanks.